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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Raza-Qurbana-text-01to 41


01. PUQDANA-HADhThA: New Law for Christians (Jn 13:34-35).

Note: Priest greets people at the door (M-TTC 162; Pk-Q 151f; N.6/5:9).

01.1 P. Puqdankhon: [What is] your Law? (QS 8; V 212; TQ 1).

01.2 R. Puqdane daMishiha: [It is the] Law of Christ: Lk 22:19?

01.1B Let us begin Qurbana in accordance with the commandof Christ

01.2B Amen. We want to live in Christian Love (Jn 15:12).


02. TEShBOHTA L-’ALAHA: Glory to God (Lk 2:14; QS 8; V 212; TQ 1).

02.1 P. Teshbohta l‘Alaha baMaraume: Glory to God in the heights (3).

02.2 R. Amen (3). (Sing thrice; only twice in M.1v).

02.3 P. U’al ‘Ar’a Shlama uSabhra tabha laBhnai-nasha:

And on earth peace and firm hope to (men) people: M 1v; LM 293.

02.4 R. Bkhol ‘endan l’almin. Amen: At all times, for ever.Amen.

(Teshsbohta was sung first at Christmas only: F-Q 32f).

03. ABhUN D-BhA-ShMAYA: Our Father... (Mt 6:9-13; Lk 11:2-4).

03.1 Abhun dbhaShmaya, nethkandash Shmak; (tethe Malkuthak): (M 1v).

P. OurFather in heaven, hallowed be your name; (your kingdom come):

03.2 QANONA: Qandish, qandish, qandish-at, Abhun dbhashmaya!

Holy,holy,holy are you, our Father in heaven;

Damalen Shmaya w‘Ar’a Ranbuth Shubhhak;

Heaven and earth are full of your glory and praise;

‘Ire u`Nasha qa’en lakh: qandish, qandish, qandish-at.Angels and men cry out to you: Holy, holy, holy are you.

03.3 Abhun dbhaShmaya, nethkandash Shmak; tethe Malkuthak:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name; your kingdom come;

Nehawe Sebhyanakh ‘aikana dbhaShmaya ‘ap b‘Ar’a.

your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

03.4 Habh lan Lahama dSunaqanan yaumana. washbhoq lan Haubain

Give us the bread we need today; and forgive us our debts

waHattahain/ aikana d‘ap hanan shbhaqan leHayyabhain.and sins, / as we have forgiven those who offended us.

Ula ta’lan lNesyona, ‘ela passan min Bisha.

And let us not enter into temptation; but deliver us from the evil

one. Mettol d-dilakh-i Malkutha uHaila uTeshbohta, l’alam ‘almin `Amen.

Because / yours is the kingdom, / the power and the glory / for ever and ever, Amen.

Note: Bread (Jn 6:35 41 48; 6:68); Kingdom (Rom 14:17; 1Chr. 29:11).

M 1v omits “Glory be” etc (03.5-8). Cf F-Q 33-35.

03.5 Shubhha l‘Abha ulaBhra walaRuha daQudasha: Rev 4:11; 5:13; 7:12).

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Spirit of Holiness

03.6 Min ‘alam wa’dama l’alam, `Amen w`Amen. (Nazrani 4/4:4).

From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen.

03.7 Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name; (your kingdom come)

03.8 Qanona: Holy, holy,holy, are you, our Father in heaven;

Heaven and earth are full of your glory and praise; Angels and men cry out to you: Holy, holy, holy are you.

03.9 Deacon: Nesalle: Shlamma ‘aman.

D. Let us pray: peace be with us.

04. SLOThA daqdam Marmitha: PRAYER before PSALMODY.

04.A On Sundays and Feastdays: bHad-b-shanbe wabh’Ede:

P. Hayyel Maran w‘Aalahan... (M.1v; QS 8; V 213; TQ 2):

Our Lord and Our God,/ by (in) your compassion,/ strengthen our weakness,/ that we may celebrate the sacred Mysteries/ given for the renewal and salvation of mankind/ through the mercy of your beloved Son: Lord of all,/ Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness,/ for ever.

R. Amen.

04.B On Feast days of Our Lord: b’Ede Maranaye:

P. Hayel Maran w‘Alahan lamehaymenai... (TQ 2): Maran w‘Alahan!

Our Lord and Our God, strengthen us/ who rightly believe in your Name/ and sincerely confess the true faith,/ that we may celebrate the propitiatory Mysteries/ which sanctify the souls and bodies;/ that we may diligently render you priestly ministery,/ with hearts and minds free from all stain and evil thoughts,/ and praise you unceasingly/ for the redemption ganted to us/ in the abundant mercy of your goodness. Lord of all,/ Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, forever.

R. Amen.

04.C On Memoria-s and (ferial) Weekdays: b-Dukhrane wabhShhime:

P. Nestuged uneshtanbah... (M.1v; QS 8; V 213; TQ 3; K 33):

May the adorable and glorious name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, of the blessed Trinity, be worshipped, glorified, honoured, exalted, confessed and blessed in heaven and on earth, at all times. Lord of all, for ever.

R. Amen.

05. MARMITHA: of the Day: Sundays, Feasts, Memoria-s, Weekdays:

05A. M.38= Ps 96-98: NR 1-3. Subhara DenhaQyamtaSlibha & Mushe &’Ede

05B. M.56 = Ps 144-146: NR 82-84. Sauma Shlihe Qaytha ‘Elya &`Ede.

05C. M.57 = Ps 147-150: NR 252-54. Qudash‘Edtha. Immaculate Conception

05D. M.07 = Ps 19-21: NR 30-32. Dukrane: Yohannan Mamdana Giwargis.

05E. M.09 = Ps 25-27: NR 65-68. Dukrane: Mar Thoma Shliha Mar Aprem. 05F. M.12 = Ps 33 34: NR 38-40. Dukrane: Evangelists, Malpane, Pet-Paul.

05G. M.23 = Ps 62-64: NR 68-70. Dukrane: Patron-Sahada AdorHormezd

05H. M.33 = Ps 85 86: NR 58-60. Thursday of Ninivite Fast.

05I.M.34 = Ps 87 88: NR 77-78. Dukran ‘Anide:LastFriday of Denha.

05J. On Sundays: Ps 46 47 48 (of Easter: SM 92 94 etc for 96-98?)

05K. On Weekdays: Ps 15 150 116 (J.101v; M.1v; QS 8f; TR 7f; TQT 4f).

05L. On Ferial days: Ps 24:3-6 & 116. (MC 298-322; Nazrani 6/4:11).

Note: Marmitha begins with Qanona and ends with Shubh-ha (Glory be). Mazmora has its Qanona, after the 1st verse (repeated after qanona), and after Shubh-ha. Feastdays have some verse from Psalms, added before Shubh-ha. Such Verse & Response are called Aqaptha & Unaya. When Aqaptha & ‘Unaya of the DAY is (to be) sung, instead of qanona, sing thrice “halleluia” after first verse and after Shubh-ha. (see TEXT in Appendix-2.1-2, p.99-127).

06. AQAPThA U-UNAYA: of the Day:

06.1 Aqaptha: Verse from psalms, said before Shubhha of Marmitha.

06.2 ‘Unaya: Response-verse from psalms, eg. 06A. Ps.35:18 is:

06A.1) I will give you thanks in the great assembly (RE 12/8);

06A.2) I will praise you among many peoples (RE 12/8).

06. AQAPThA & UNAYA: for Feasts & Sundays & Dukrane:

06.A Ps 35:18 (NR 12; SM 10): after M.38; on feasts of our Lord.

06.B Ps 98:9 (MC 299): after M.38; on Sundays of Subhara Denaha etc

06.C Ps146:11(NR 84; SM 51): after M.56 on Pentecost, 12 Apostles 06.D Ps 46:4-5 (NR 17; SM 14): after M.57 on Sundays of Qudash‘Edta.

06.E Ps 1:3 (NR 215; SM 135): Shem‘on barShab‘e & Fathers-martyrs.

06.F Ps 5:11-12 (NR 44; SM 26): for Evangelists: Barnabas Timothy 06.G Ps 18:43 (NR 198; SM 225): Mar Thoma Sliha, Miracle-Cross.

06.H Ps 28:6-7 (NR 60 ; SM 39): Thursday of Ninevites.

06.I Ps 34:8 (NR 176; SM 112): Body & Blood of Xt: Corpus Christi

06.J Ps 34:22 (NR NR 40; SM 23): Peter & Paul Greek Malpans 70 disciple 06.K Ps 37:32 (NR 32 68 70; SM 19 44): John BaptistPatron-Sahda.

06.L Ps 44:22 (NR 211; SM 132): Shmoni & her 7 Sons.

06.M Ps 52:8 (NR; SM 78): Hosa‘na: Palm Sunday.

06.N Ps 58:11-12 (NR 48; SM 29): Mar ‘Estapanos: Lawrence.

06.O Ps 88:18 (NR 78; SM 48): Dukrana d‘anide: of the Dead.

06.P Ps 92:12 (NR 68; SM 44): Patron-Confessor, Aprem, St Joseph.

06.Q Ps 98:2-3 (NR 283; SM 232): Galyana: Transfiguration.

06.R Ps 105:3-4 (NR 61; SM 41): Syriac Malpans: Mar Aprem.

06.S Ps 144:10 (SM 187): Sabas, Jerome, Ambrose, Francis de Sales.

06.T Ps 144: 18-19 (NR 171; SM 109): Friday of Gold.

(See TEXT in Appendix-2.2, p.125-127)

Note: After Marmitha Chaldeans go to Bema; but in summer (Qaitta) they go to the court-yard outside the church, where they have the Liturgy of the Word; they return to the church in procession, singing the ‘Onitha-Anthem of the Gospel (B.261; SM p.vii). So the Karozutha and Onitha d-Raze were anticipated (LM 305-7).

07. SLOThA daqdam ‘Onitha: Prayer before Anthem of Sanctuary:

07A. On Sundays and Feastdays: Qdam Tronos Mar... (M.2r K.38 TQ.5).

P. Before the glorious throne of you majesty, O my Lord,/ and the high and exalted seat of your excellence,/ and the awesome bema of the power of your love,/ and the propitiatory altar which your will has established,/ and the place where your glory dwells,/ we, your people, and the sheep of your pasture,/ with thousands of cherubim who sing “alleluia” to you/ and tens of thousands of seraphim and archangels who sing to you “holy”,/ kneel, worship, give thanks and glorify you, at all times: Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness (eternal), for ever.

R. Amen.

07B. On the Feasts of Our Lord: Qdam Bema... (of Mar Elia III, TQT 8)

P. Before the awesome bema of your majesty,/ and the sublime throne of your divinity,/ and the marvellous seat of your honour,/ and the glorious chair of your lordship,/ where the cherubim, your servants, sing “halleluia” to you unceasingly,/ and the seraphim glorify you singing “holy” incessantly,/ we kneel in fear, and worship in awe,/ and confess and glorify you without intermission,/ at all times: Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever (TQ 5; RE 12f/9).

R. Amen.

07C. On Memoria-s (and ferial days): Lashmak ranba... (TQ 6):

P. We are bound (indebted) to confess (thank), adore and glorify/ your great and awesome, holy and adorable, magnificent and glorious name,/ and your blessed and incomprehensible Trinity/ and your (grace) goodness towards our mankind, at all times:/ Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.

07.5. SLOThA D-BhESME: Prayer of (blessing) Frank-incense:

07.5A. BaShma[k] sgida wamshabaha nethbarkun Besme halen...

P. May this incense which we place (offer) for your honour, be blessed in your Name, O Creator of pleasant roots and sweet spices, that it may be for (pleasing) your will and for our redemption: Lord of all, for ever. Amen. (TK 6; TQT 10; TK-E 7).

07.5B. Bashma sgida wamshabaha d‘Abha... (QS 8; K 41; TQ 6):

P. In the adorable and praiseworthy name of the Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, of the glorious Trinity, may this incense be blessed, that it may please your will and obtain remission of the debts of the sheep of your fold (flock): Lord of all, for ever. Amen.

07.5C. Nebhsam lak Maran... (TR 27; TQT 46f; TK-E 29):

P. Our Lord and our God, may you be pleased with the sweet smoke which we offer to you before your holy altar, within your glorious temple (haikala). May it be for the gladness of your holy Name and for the pardon of your servants and of your flock, O Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever. Amen.

07.6 While incensing the Cross: Mishiha dqanbel Dma dSahade... (TR 27):

Adn O Christ, who accepted the blood of martyrs on the day of their martydom, accept these incense, by the grace of your mercy, from the hands of my weakness. Amen.

07.7 Over the Deacon: Mishiha n-bhasmak... (TQT 11; TK-E 7):

May Christ, by his grace and mercy, gladden you in his kingdom and accept your service. Amen.

08. ONIThA D-QANKE: of the Day: Hymn of the Sanctuary at the Chancel):

(Priest intones the Hymn and incenses the Cross; he kisses the Cross, and holds it to be kissed by others).

08A. ‘Onitha of 1st Sunday of Subhara: Slibha da-hwa lan...:

*May the Cross be for us a strong fortress:

that was the cause of all our good-things,

by that we mortal humans were set free (from death),

by that we will overcome Satan and all his snares.*

08A.1. U-bhe-hu nehade Lenban: (NR 3; SM 4; K 39; RE 13/9).

And in him (it) alone shall our hearts rejoice:

1) Slibha dahwa lan ‘elath Tabhatha:

May the cross that has been to us the cause of all good-things,

Ubhehu ‘ethharar Gensan Mayotha:

and by which our mortal race (humanity) was set free,

Hu Mar nehawe lan Sura hasina:

be (cross) for us, O Lord, a strong fortress,

Ubheh nezkev lBisa/ ukolhen Sen’athe.

and by that (cross) we shall overcome the wicked one/

and all his snares (devices).

08A.2. DbhaSmeh qandisa Sabhran. 2) Slibha da-hwa lan...

For our hope is in his (its) holy name:

2) May the cross be for us... all his devices.

08A.3 Subhha l‘Abha ulaBhra walaRuha daQudsa: (K 40)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Spirit of Holiness

3) L’Edtakh Paroqan qandes baHananak:

Our Saviour, sanctify your Church by your mercy,

W‘ashra Taibuthakh bHaykala/ daprish l‘Iqarakh:

And make (cause) your grace dwell (reside) in the nave

(church),/ deidicated to your honour;

Wathros behaweh Madebahakh zahya:

And set in it your pure (holy) altar.

Da’lav mezdayyah Pagarakh waDmakh Marya.

Whereon, O Lord, your body and blood are to be sacrificed

08A.4. Min ‘alam wa’dama l’alam: `Amen w`Amen. (K 40)

From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen.

4) Maran dabhRahamav ‘eshtaudi l’Abhdav:

O Lord who out of your mercy promised to your servants

D-kol d-sha‘el nasebh/ wadbha’e meshkah:

That all who ask shall receive/ and all who search find,

Mennakh shalinan Haila u’Udarana:

We beseech you for strength and help (aid)

D-negmor ba’bhadain Sebhyan Maruthakh.

to fulfil by our deeds the (holy) will of your Lordship.

08A.5. N‘emar kolle ‘ama: ‘Amen w‘Amen. 5) Slibha da-hwa lan...

Let all people proclaim: Amen and Amen.

5) May the cross be for us... all his devices.

(After the kissing, Cross is put on Bema).

D. Peace be with us.

Note: On weekdays: Gifts are prepared early (TR 11); Veil is put.

09. SLOThA d-Laku Mara: Prayer before “Lord of all”.

09A. On Sundays and Feast days: Uma dpa‘ah ban... (K 40)

P. When the sweet fragrance of your love, O Lord our God, beathes over us,/ and our souls are enlightened with the knowledge of your truth,/ may we be found worthy to receive from heaven the manifestation of your beloved Son,/ and thank and praise you unceasingly in your Church,/ crowned like a spouse and full of all help and blessing. For you are the Lord and Creator of all,/ Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.

09B. B’Ede Maranaye: for special feasts of our Lord.

09C. On Memoria-s and Weekdays: U’al ‘Appai kolehon... (QS 10; V 215):

P. O Lord our God, for every help and grace you have given us,/ for which we can never repay you enough,/ we thank and glorify you unceassingly in your Church,/ crowned like a spouse, and full of all help and blessing. For you are Lord and Creator of all,/ Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.

Note: Shemeon Bar-Shaba (324-41) introduced it (Fabian-Qurbana, p.50).

Prayers over Gifts were said before Laku Mara (TR 11) & the Veil drawn.

Gunde b-Qanke (upper choir- in sanctuary) begins Laku Mara.

10. LAKU MARA D-KOLLA...: Lord of all...: (M 2r; QS 10; V 215; TQ 7)

10.1 Priest begins & (upper choir) people on north-right side joins:

Laku Mara d-kolla maudenan: Lord of all, we praise you;

Ulak Isho Mishiha meshabahinan:Jesus Christ, we glorify you;

D‘attu Menahammana d-Pagarain:For, you are the Quickener of our bodies

W‘attu Paroqa tabha d-Naphshathan.and the gracious Saviour of our souls

10.2 Deacon starts & (lower choir) people on south-left side joins:

10.2A. On Sundays and Feastdays:

Tau l-maudayu l-Marya/ walmezmar laSmak meraima: (TQ 7).

It is good (right) to thank you, O Lord,/ and to sing praises

to your name, O Most High:

Laku Mara...: Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

10.2B. B’Ede Maranaye: for each feast of our Lord: —-

10.2C. On Memoria-s and Weekdays:

‘Ashingeth dakhya‘ith ‘idai/ w‘thkaketh leMadbahak Marya:

I washed my hands clean,/ and went around your altar, O Lord:

Laku Mara...: Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

For Ramsa & Sapra: Leader of the Community begins:

10.2D. In a church /chapel:

I rejoiced when they said to me:/

We are going to the House of the Lord:

Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

10.2E. In a house or other place:

God, you are in every place;/ receive our supplications:

Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

10.2F. On a journey:

Lord, show me your paths;/ and make known to me your footpaths:

Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

Note: Roman Taksa of 1774 joined “Glory be & From age” with “wau” (and); this error from Taksa of 1767 was corrected in a Taksa of 1774 kept in monastery of Mannanam, says Fabian (Qurbana, p.52). It is customary that Priest says: Glory be..., eg. at the end of Psalms.

10.3 (P) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Spirit of Holiness: Laku Mara...: Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

10.4 (D) From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen:

Laku Mara...: Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

10.5 (P) Let all people say: Amen and Amen:

Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

D. Let us pray; peace be with us.

11. SLOThA: ‘Attu Mar... (M 2r; QS 11; V 216; K 41; TQ 8):

P. You, O my Lord, are indeed the quickener of our bodies,/ and the gracious saviour of our souls,/ and the constant preserver of our lives. O my Lord, we are bound (indebted) to thank, adore and glorify you: Lord of all, for ever.

R. Amen.

11.5 SLOThA on Sundays: Lak Qandisha... (Syriac Breviary, p. 298):

O Holy One, who are holy by nature and glorious by essence, high and excellent above all by divinity, the eternally adored and blessed nature: we thank, worship and praise you always: Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.

12. QAnDIShA ‘ALAHA: Holy God (M 2r; QS 11; V 216; K 41; TQ 8).

12.1. D. ‘Arim Qalekon ushanbah kolle ‘amma l‘Alaha hayya.

Raise your voices, all you people, and praise the living God.

12.2. Upper choir or those in sanctuary begin:

Qandisha ‘Alaha: Holy God,

Qandisha Haylthana: Holy Mighty One,

Qandisha la-mayotha: Holy Immortal one,

‘Ethraham ‘alain. Have mercy on us.

12.3. Priest starts and people on north-right sing:

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Spirit ofHoliness.

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal one, Have mercy on us.

12.4. Deacon replies and people on south-left sing:

From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen:

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal one, Have mercy on us.

13. SLOThA: Qandisha washbhiha... (K 42 TQ 10).

O Holy and Glorious One, O Mighty and Immortal One, who dwell in the saints, and whose will is accomplished in them, we beseech you; O my Lord, look upon us, pardon us, and have mercy on us, as you are wont to, at all times: Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.


14. QINTA/ ZUMARA: On Great Feastdays (TQ 11):

Note: Qinta is often added to Shuraya-1 & its Punaya (F-Q 70f).

It is better to sing it here to inform people of the Feast celebrated.

14A. L-Mawlade d-Maran (L‘Amade/ LaQyamta/ L-Sulaqa/ l-Gelyana d-Maran:

*Nyaqar ba-Zmiratha d-Ruha: *Halleluia, ‘Ehalleluia (2).

Let us celebrate the feast of Nativity/ Baptism/ Resurrection/

Ascension/ Revelation of our Lord: *with hymns of the Spirit:

*Halleluia, ‘Ehalleluia, ‘Ehalleluia.

R. *Halleluia, ‘Ehalleluia, ‘Ehalleluia.

14B. L-Dukrane d-qandisha—: d-Mar Thoma Shliha: *Nyaqar...

Let us honour the memory of Saint—: St Thomas:

*with hymns of the Spirit: *Halleluia—.

Note: Syro-Malabar Church mis-used it in Raza for the Dead (K 43-45):

Following Latin custom, instead of halleluia (3), *Glory be to you, O God (3)* was sung (cf 18C & 22C) “with the hymns of the Spirit”.

14C. L-Dukrane d’annida... *Nyaqar...: *Shubhha lak ‘Alaha (3)*:

Let us honour the memory of... *with hymns of the Spirit: *Glory* 14C-1 Let us honour the memory of the demised Pope /Bishop /Priest: *with hymns...: *Glory*

14C-2 Let us honour the memory of the deceased deacon: *with hymns...

14C-3 Let us honour the memory of the departed man /woman: *with hymns...: *Glory*

D. Let us pray; peace be with us.

15. SLOThA daqdam Qeryane: Prayer before OT Readings (RE 19/15):

Note: Chaldeans say it on Memoria-s and during Fast except on Sundays; but RE 19/15 says: On other days and on Sundays in Lent!

15A.Lak Medabrana hakima... (QS 11; K 46; V 217; TQT 14f; TQ 10):

O wise Ruler and marvellous Provider of your household,/ and the great Treasure-house, pouring forth all help and blessing by your mercy, we beseech you; O my Lord, illumine us with the knowledge of your Greatness, and grant us the grace that we may meditate on your books (words) and be guided by your life-giving and divine precepts (TK-E 10f), at all times: Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.

15B. Manhar laMlile... (TQT 16; TK-E 11): (to be short).

O my Lord, who enlighten rational beings by the knowledge of your Majesty, illumine our thoughts that we may meditate upon your holy and divine scriptures at all times: O Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever. R. Amen.

Note: Reader used to wear Urala (Urara-royal sign) during the reading. It shows Deacons used to read the OT books (F-Q 65-67).

16. SEPRA: Torah (Law) or Book of... (1st Reading):

16.1 Qaroya-1 (reader) goes to the Priest, (kisses his hand) and bowing to him says: Barek-mar: Bless, my Lord. Priest blesses him:

16.2A. Brik ‘Alaha, Mare-Kol... (TR 13; K 43; TQ 9):

Blessed be God, the Lord of all, who makes us wise with his holy teaching; may his mercy be showered upon the reader and the listeners, at all times, for ever. Reader: Amen.

16.2B. ‘Alaha Mare-kol n-hakmak... (TQT 12f; TK-E 9):

May God, the Lord of all, give you wisdom by his holy doctrines. May his mercy and compassion abound on the reader and the hearers. By his grace and kindness, may you be a pure mirror to all who listen and hear the word of teachings through your mouth. Reader: Amen.

16.3 Qaroya-1: replying Amen, goes to the left-south side.

16.4 Natar-Taksa says: Tebh washlaw: Sit down and be attentive (K 43; TR 16).

16.5 Qaroya-1: My brethren [a reading from] the book of...

16.6 R. Shubhha lMarya Alahan: Praise be to the Lord, our God.

16.7 R. at the end of the reading: Praise be to the Lord, our God.

17. NeBhYUThA: Prophecy of... (2nd Reading):

17.1 Qaroya-2 (reader) goes to the Priest, (kisses his hand) and bowing to him says: Barek-mar: Bless, my Lord. Priest blesses him:

17.2A. ‘Alaha Mare-Kol n-hailak... (TQT 13; TK-E 9):

May God the Lord of all, by his mercy and compassion, strengthen you and make you wise by his holy doctrines. R. Amen.

17.2B. Blessed be God, the Lord of all, who makes us wise with his holy teaching; may his mercy be showered upon the reader and the listeners, at all times, for ever. R. Amen.

17.2C. May God the Lord of allbless you!

17.3 Qaroya-2: replying: Amen, goes to the left-south side.

17.4 Natar-Taksa says: Shlau: Be silent (attentive). (TR 16).

17.5 Qaroya-2: My brethren [a reading from] the prophecy of...

17.6 R. Praise be to the Lord, our God.

17.7 R. at the end of the reading: Praise be to the Lord, our God.

18. ShURAYA-1: of the day: Responsorial Psalm is sung (TQ 11).

18A. Antiphon: On Sundays and Feastdays (Ps 19:1-2; K 43):

P. Shmayya meshta’en Shubhhe d‘Alaha: Halleluia (thrice):

01-The heavens show forth the glory of God; Halleluia (3 times).

02-And the firmament declares the works of His hands; Halleluia-3

03-The day utters the speech to the day; Halleluia (3).

04-Glory be to the Father ...; Halleluia (3).

05-From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen; Halleluia (3).

18B. Other Shuraya-s follow (See Appendix-2.3), eg. 18C.


X18C. Shuraya-s for the Dead (K 44-45; K-RE 26-28; cf n.14C):

*In Raza for the Dead, for Halleluia, say *Glory be to you, O God (3)*

(= *Glory*).

18C-1. For a deceased Pope, Bishop, or Priest:

P. Ma rehameth Namosak... (K 44).

01-How much I loved your law,

and the whole day it was my meditation: *Glory*

02-Make me wiser than my enemies,

for I have kept your commandments: *Glory*

03-Give me understanding more than all my instructors,

because your testimony was my meditation: *Glory*

04-Glory be to the Father ... Holy Spirit: *Glory*

05-From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen: *Glory*.

18C-2. For a Deceased Deacon: P. B-Qal l-Marya qreth... (K 44).

01-In my voice I cried to the Lord;

in my voice I besought the Lord: *Glory*

02-And I have poured forth my tribulation before him: *Glory*

03-Glory be to the Father... Holy Spirit: *Glory*

04-From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen: *Glory*

18C-3. For a Man or Woman: P.Marya ‘Alaha dPurqan... (K 45).

01-O Lord, God of my salvation: *Glory*

02-Both day and night have I cried to you: *Glory*

03-Glory be to the Father... Holy Spirit: *Glory*

X04-From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen: *Glory*


D-1: Let us pray; peace be with us.

19. SLOThA daqdam Shliha: Prayer before the Epistle (QS 11; K 46):

Natar-Taksa: Qum laSlotha: Arise for the prayer! (TQ 11; TR.16).

19A. Anahar-lan Maran... (M 4r; QS 11; V 217; TQ 9; TR 14):

P. Our Lord and our God, illumine our minds that we may pay attention to and understand the sweet voice of your life-giving and divine commandments. Grant us by your grace and mercy that we may receive the increase (gather the fruits) of love and hope from them and the salvation that is beneficial to the soul and the body; and that we may sing to you constant praise, without ceasing, at all times: Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness for ever.

R. Amen.

19B. Lak Semeha—- (TQT 15; TK-E 10f): (to be short).

O Brightness of the Father’s glory and the image of Qnoma of the Begeter (Yaloda), who manifested yourself in our humanity, enlighten our souls by the light of your Gospel, that we may be guided by your life-giving and divine commands: Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.

(Priest & Adn take their seats; Deacons who sing Turgama say Barek-mar, and priest blesses them saying:)

19.5 Alaha Mare-kol n-hayyel... (TQT 15f; TK-E 11):

P. May God the Lord of all, by his grace and mercy, strengthen your thoughts and make your tunes melodious that you may sing his praises. R. Amen.

20. TURGAMA-1: daqdam Shliha: of the day: Commentary (TQ 10).

20.A. O d’eztaman... (K 47; K-RE 31. RE 20f/15f).

01-O you who are summoned by a great inspiration (power of God)

to the bride chamber of life for the banquet of the King

of the inhabitants of heaven and earth:

02-Examine in the fire of the gospel

and cleanse (purify) in the divine furnace

your mind (heart) of all worldly thoughts.

03-The Lord has thrown open a treasure of happiness

before the seekers and has said to the sinners:

Come and take back the chirograph of your debts!

04-Purify your hearts and be converted like unto little children that you may be made heirs and domestics of heavenly kingdom.

05-Behold! it is preached unto you in spiritual voices,

and also a way is open for you to the eternal bliss.

06-You have to turn away, like Paul the Hebrew,

from the shadow of precepts to the law of truth.

07-The Lord found him very enthusiastic

and zealous among the people of Israel;

and called him to be zealous of Christian people.

08-Behold him struck blind in the traditions of old law,

and then his eyes were opened by the power of the law of Jesus

09-He expellled from his mind all deceitful thoughts/ and becoming

an Apostle he proclaimed his power among the Greeks.

10-It is just that we listen to his glorious and trustful words.

Now he preaches by his Epistle to the Corinthians/ Ephesians.

20B. —-

521. ShLIHA/ EnGARTA: Apostle/ Epistle of Paul to...

21.1 Deacon kisses the hand of the Priest and bowing to him says: Barek-mar: Bless, my Lord.

21.2 Priest blesses him: Mishiha n-hakmakh... (K.48).

May Christ make you wise in his holy teaching and make you a beautiful mirror to those who listen to you, and hear the word of teaching from your mouth by the grace of his mercy.

21.3 Deacon, replying: Amen, goes to the north-right of Qestroma.

21.4 Natar-Taksa: Bshelya hawau washlau: Be quiet and attentive!

(TR 16). A minister with a lighted candle stands near the Deacon, who facing the people, reads the “Apostle” or Epistle:

21.5 My brethren! Apostle Paul’s Epistle to the... Corinthians/

21.6 R. Shubhha laMishiha Maran!: Praise be to Christ, our Lord.

21.7 R. at the end of the reading: Praise be to Christ, our Lord.

21.8 Deacon: sings Halleluia (thrice). They sing Shuraya/ Zumara.

22. ShURAYA-2: Resp. Ps. after Epistle =Zummara: of the Day:

22.A. Antiphon: On Sundays and Feastdays: (Ps.45:1; K 48; RE 22):

P. Anba’ lenbe Pethgame tabhe: Halleluia, Halleluia:

01-O my heart, utter good verses: Halleluia (2).

02-And I recount my works to the king: Halleluia (2).

03-My tongue is like the pen of a clever scribe: Halleluia (2).

04-Glory be to the Father...: Halleluia (2).

05-From age to age, for ever,...: Halleluia (2).

22B. Other Shuraya-s (EO 2:152) follow (See Appendix-2.4).


X22C. Shuraya-s for the Dead: (K 49-50; K-RE 34-36).

For Halleluia, say: *Glory be to you, O God (2)* (= *Glory*).

22C-1. For a deceased Pontiff, Bishop or Priest (K 49. K-RE 34):

01-Iwashed my hands clean and went around your altar, O Lord: *Glory*

02-That I may voice forth (the sound of) your glory: *Glory*

03-And that I may proclaim all your wonders: *Glory*

04-Glory be to the Father... Holy Spirit: *Glory*

05-From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen: *Glory*

22C-2. For a deceased Deacon (K 49; K-RE 35):

01-O Lord, I loved the service of your house: *Glory*

02-And the place of the habitation of your glory: *Glory*

03-Do not destroy me together with the sinners: *Glory*

04-Glory be to the Father... Holy Spirit: *Glory*

05-From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen: *Glory*

22C-3. For a deceased Man or Woman (K 49; K-RE 36):

01-Behold! You work wonders on behalf of the dead: *Glory*

02-And they will arise strengthened and confess you: *Glory*

03-And those from the graves will narrate your mercy: *Glory*

04-Glory be to the Father... Holy Spirit: *Glory*

X05-From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen: *Glory*


D-1: Peace be with us. D-2: Barek-mar. Bless, O my lord!

Priest blesses Deacons for singing Turgama-2 (cf 19.5).

23.0. ‘Alaha Mare-kol nehayyel... (TK 9; TK-E 11).

May God, the Lord of all, strengthen your thoughts, by His grace and mercy, that you may sing His praises and render your tunes melodious. R. Amen. (n.19.5).

(Priest & Adn remain seated, while Deacons sing at Qanke):

23. TURGAMA-2: daqdam Evangalyon: Commentary before Gospel.

23A. O damahaymanin... (K 51; K-RE 39. RE 23/19).

01-O believers in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! come and listen to the words

that give health to the body and life to the soul.

02-The Son of God was like a man among men,

and by his command he liberated men from sin.

03-He opened before you a great treasure: this sermon;

and this entire book is full of life and happiness.

04-Devils flee and evil spirits depart in fear,

when they hear this living and life-giving word.

05-This is the light; this is the truth; this is the life;

he who is preached in it, is the one

who judges the living and the dead.

06-You have to know that all nations are saved by him;

believe firmly that all sins are forgiven by him.

07-The sower has gone to sow the word for the seed,

offer before him your hearts for the fields.

08-His voice (word) is life and happiness, kindness and mercy;

his sermon is hope and life, kindness and happiness.

09-Blessed is he believes in him and trust in his word;

for, even if he is dead, he shall live;

and if alive, he shall not die in his faults (sin).

10-The only-begotten, Son of God, came into this world;

he was born from a virgin, in an excellent nature,

except the angels (Rev. 12:7).

11-He healed the sick, he raised the dead, he cast out devils;

he loosened death, he died, he became alive, he rose up,

and ascended into heaven.

12-He sent the Spirit to his disciples and made them wise,

and sent them to the four quarters of the world,

to preach the gospel.

13-This is the door through which anyone enters the house of kingdom

this is the way entirely free from all snares (pitfalls).

14-This is the voice which if heard makes even the dead alive,

and this is the sermon which if despised makes even the living dead.

15-And now Mathew (Mark /Luke /John) explains (comments on)

what he has seen and heard;

and so let him hear, who has ears to hear.

23B. Other Turgama-2 follows.

24. SLAWATHA: Prayers before the Gospel: (TR.15; TQT 15; TQ 11):

24.1 Reyha Mar hanniya... Prayer for blessing the incense (TQ 11):

P. May the sweet scent which wafted forth from you, O Lord, when Mary, the sinner, poured fragrant ointment on your head, be mixed in this incense which we offer in your honour and for the pardon of our debts and sins: Lord of all, for ever, Amen. (TK-E 12).

24.2 Lakh Semha... (V 218): Priest bowing before the Gospel says:

O Splendour of the Glory of your Father, and Image of the Qnoma (hypostasis) of your Genitor! you were manifest in the body our own humanity, and illumined the darkness of our mind by the light of your Gospel: We praise, worship and glorify you, at all times: Lord of all, for ever, Amen. (Priest incenses the Gospel).

24.3 Hakemayn... (QS 12; V 218; TQQ 5; TK 9; TQT 16; TQ 12).

P. Make us wise in your law, and enlighten our faculties with your knowledge, and sanctify our souls by your truth, that we may be obedient to your words, and fulfilling your precepts, at all times: Lord of all, for ever, Amen. (Gospel is solemnly taken to the door of Qanke, or to Bema: with 2 candles, cross & thurible).

24.4 Deacon: Qum ‘athidayith... (K 53; K-RE 41. TR 16; TQ 14):

(Let us) Stand ready to listen to the holy Gospel (Staumen Kales).

25. EVANGALYON: GOSPEL is solemnly read by the Bishop /Priest

who blesses the people with Gospel, saying loudly:

25.1 Shlama ‘amakhon! Peace be with you! He signs people with it

25.2 R. And with you, and with your spirit!

25.3 P. ‘Evangalyon... The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

the preaching (Karozutha) of Mathew (Mark/ Luke/ John):

25.4 R. Praise be to Christ, our Lord.

R. (after the reading) Praise be to Christ, our Lord.

25.5 Shubh-ha l-Rahame... (V 218): Priest kissing the Gospel says:

Praise be to the Eternal Mercy that has sent you to us,

O Christ, Light of the world and Life of all, for ever. Amen

25.6 After the Gospel (kissed also by people), they sing as follows:

25.6A. Mattai uMarkos uLuka uYohannan:

Slothkhon tehawe Shura l-Naphshathan (TQ 13; TR 16).

Mathew, Mark, Luke and John,

May your prayers be a fortress for our souls!

25.6B. Kthabha ranba... ranba Marya: (cf n.26):

The great Book of the Gospel: of Christ the King and our Saviour:

Four wonderful writers composed their books by the inspiration of the Spirit: Mathew for the faithful of Judea, and Mark for those in Rome, and Luke for the Egyptians, and John for the Ephesians. Now people everywhere meditate on their writings, and praise the great power of the Lord Jesus!

26. ONITHA D’EVANGALYON: Anthem of the Gospel: (B.261; K 51).

26A. Kthabha ranba... Halleluia (3): (K 51; K-RE 37f; TQ 13).

26A.1 DabhResh Kthabhe kthibh ‘alai (2)

For at the head of the books it is written of me:

Kthabha daSbharthe: deMalka Meshiha Paroqan:

The great Book of the Gospel of our Saviour, Christ the King:

Arb’a Sapra dThedmurta: bHeil Ruha qbha’u Sepraihon:

Four wonderful writers composed their books

by the inspiration of the Spirit:

Mattai laMehaimane dbhayhud: uMarkos lehanon dabhRome:

Mathew for the faithful of Judea, and Mark for those in Rome,

ULuka laBhnai ‘Agebhttos: uYohannan l‘Appassaye:

And Luke for the Egyptians, and John for the Ephesians.

Uhasha b‘arb’apenyatha: bSepraihon ha meth-hagein:

Now, behold, everywhere people meditate on their writings,

Kad masqin Shubh-ha: leHailakh ranba Marya.

While praising your great power, O Lord!

26A.2 Leme’bhad Sebhyanak ‘Alaha sbheith: Kthabha ranba...

I desired, O God, to do your will: The great Book... O Lord!

26A.3 Subh-ha l‘Abha ulaBhra walaRuha daQudasa: Kthabha ranba...

Glory be to the Father...: The great Book... O Lord!

26B. The Anthem of the Gospel (B.261):

26B.1. God is gone up with a merry noise:

and the Lord with the sound of the trump(et-blast).

*The First-fruits who took our nature is gone up to heaven of heavens on high, the only-begotten Word of the Father celebrated in procession with chariots of cherubim, and has opened a way for our race and made peace in the height and in the depth and made them rejoice in the day of his ascension. He has entered into the divine holy of holies to exercise his priesthood for our salvation and has st down on the seat of his kingdom at the right hand of the Father who sent him, and has lifted us up with him and set us on his right hand, as it is written. Glorify and confess him with fear and love for this grace, for he is the head and substance of the holy church. Beseech him and beg of him that he pity us.* (B.261).

26B.2. He rode upon the cherubim and did fly.

You are gone up on high, you have led captivity captive.

*The First-fruits... that he pity us.*

26B.3. Glory be to the Father & to the Son & to the Spirit of Holiness.

In the great day of the Ascension of the heavenly king of kings to the great height of heaven he lifted up his holy hands and blessed the company of the apostles and was separated from the disciples ans ascended in glory into heaven and a cloud of light received him and he was hid from their sight and the disciples saw him not. And behold two angels standing in white apparel and saying to the company of the apostles: Ye men, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus who is taken up shall come in glory in the great day of the resurrection”. The disciples returned in sorrow from the mount called the Mount of Olives and were daily in the temple glorifying and blessing the Lord. According to the commandment they tarried in the temple of Jerusalem until they were endued with the Holy Spirit, and they were witnesses in all Judaea and in Jerusalem and preached and announced the Gospel and made disciples and baptized in the name of Jesus. To him be glory! (B 261).

27. AMORUTHA: Homily (TQT 17).

Deacon: Tebh washlaw: Be seated and attentive (TQT 17).

Note: In Simple Qurbana, as Gospel and Cross may be brought to Bema (table) in the opening procession (Directives of 1989, n.6), so they may be taken to the altar before Karozutha by Deacons. Sanctuary Veil is spread before Karozutha.


28. KAROZUTHA-1: N-qum shapir... Abha d-Rahame... (K-RE 45; B.262)

28A. On Sundays & Feasts: Add petitions marked with cross (+).

Let us all stand up properly in joy and cheerfulness,

and let us beseech and say: Maran ‘Ethraham ‘alain!

R. *Lord, have mercy on us! = Have mercy on us, O Lord* = *Lord*

28B. On weekdays: Let us all stand up properly in (sorrow and solitude)

repentance and earnestness, and let us beseech and say: *Lord*

01-Father of mercies and God of all solace, we beseech you: *Lord*

02-Our Saviour, the procurer of our salvation,

and the provider of all things, we beseech you: *Lord*

03-For the peace, harmony and stability of the whole world,

and of all Churches, we beseech you: *Lord*

04-For our country (land) and for all countries

and for those who live therein in faith, we beseech you: *Lord*

05-For a moderate climate and a seasonable year, for the produce of fruits, and for the properity of the whole world, we beseech you: *Lord*

06-For the welfare of our holy Fathers (name Pope, Patriarch, Metro- politan and Bishop) and all their ministers, we beseech you: *Lord*

(Add on Sundays the petitions marked with cross +)

07-+For the kings who have power in this world, we beseech you: *Lord*

08-Merciful God, who govern all with love, we beseech you: *Lord*

09-+For orthodox presbyters and deacons and all our brotherhoood in Christ, we beseech you: *Lord*

10-Who are rich in mercy and generous in kindness, we beseech you *Lord*

11-+Who are before all ages, and whose power abides for ever,

we beseech you: *Lord*

12-Who are good by nature, and the giver of all good things,

we beseech you: *Lord*

13-Who have no pleasure in the death of a sinner but desire that he repent of his wickedness and live, we beseech you: *Lord*

14-Who are glorified in heaven and worshipped on earth,

we beseech you: *Lord*

15-+Who in your holy (ascension) made the earth to rejoice and

the heavens to be glad, we beseech you: *Lord*

16-Who are immortal by nature, and dwell in the excellent light, we beseech you: *Lord*

17-+ O Saviour of all men and specially of those believing in you,

we beseech you: *Lord*

18-O Christ our Lord, save us all by your grace, and increase in us (our midst) your peace and tranquility and have mercy upon us.

29. KAROZUTHA-2: N-sale unebh‘e... ‘Al ‘Edta... K 54-57; B.263.

Natar-Taksa: *Let us pray and beseech God, the Lord of all,* (= *let*) that He hear the voice of our prayer with favour and accept our petition and have mercy on us. R. Amen.

01-For the Holy Catholic Church which is here and every where: *let* that his peace and tranquility (dwell) abide therein until the end of the world. R. Amen.

02-For our Fathers the Bishops and Pastors: *let* that they may stand at the head of all their dioceses (parishes) and govern their sheep (free from) without blame and blemish all the days of their life. R. Amen.

03-And especially for our holy Fathers NN (Bishop Mar..., Metropolita Mar..., Patriarch Mar..., and Pope Mar..., head of the whole Church of Christ: *let* that he may keep and sustain them in the governing of all their (dioceses) sheep that they may be able to feed them, minister to them, and prepare them to the Lord a perfect people, desiring of good and honest works. R.Amen.

04-For priests and deacons, devoted to the service of truth: *let* that they may render Him service with good heart and pure conscience. R. Amen.

05-For all who have embraced the chaste and holy state of life, the offspring of holy catholic Church: *let* that they may complete the noble course of their sanctification and receive from the Lord their hope and reward in the land of the living. R. Amen.

06-For the memory of Blessed Martha Mariam, Virgin and Holy Mother of the living God, our Saviour and Life-giver: *let* that the same Holy Spirit who dwelt in her sanctify us through His grace, accomplish in us His will, and corroborate us in His truth, all the days of our life. R. Amen.

07-For the memory of prophets and apostles, martyrs and confessors *let*

that by their prayers and sufferings he may give us good hope and salvation with them, and render us worthy of their happy memory and their living and true reward in the kingdom of heaven.

R. Amen.

08A-For the memory of our holy Fathers and Doctors of the truth:

Mar Aprem, Gregory, Basil, John (Chrysostom), Athanasius, Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome, and all true teachers and priests:

08B-For the memorial of our holy Fathers, Mar Diodore and Mar Theodore and Mar Nestorius, bishops and doctors of the truth, and Mar Aprem and Mar Narsai and Mar Abraham, and all the holy, ancientand true doctors (B.264): *let* that by their prayersand entreaties the pure truth of their doctrine in their confession and profession of faith may be kept up all over the holy catholic Church, until the end of the world. R. Amen.

09-In memory of our parents and brethren, true believers, who have died and departed from this world in the true faith and its orthodox confession (praiseworthy profession): *let* that he absolve them and grant them the remission of their faults and transgressions, and make them worthy to enjoy the bliss in company with the just and the saintly, who pleased Him. R. Amen.

10-For this country and its inhabitants and for this city/ village and its dwellers, and especially for this assembly of ours: *let* that our Lord and God may by his mercy avert from us the sword and slavery, plunder and tumult, famine and pestilence, and all malignant afflictions, whatever is harmful to the body. R. Amen.

11-For all those who have gone astray from the true faith, and are entrapped in the snares of Satan: *let* that he avert the hard- ness of their heart and make them know (they may acknowledge) that (God is one, the Father of truth) One is true God the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. R. Amen.

Natar-Taksa stops; Deacon-1 says: Barek Mar! (K-RE 51), and

Priest: May God, the Lord of all, enable you to sing his praises.

12-For all those who are dangerously ill or tempted by bad spirits *let* that Our Lord and God in the excess of grace and mercy may send his angel of mercy and health to visit, treat, heal and help them. R. Amen.

13-For the poor and the needy, orphans and widows, the troubled and the oppressed, and all those mentally afflicted in this world: *let* that he nourish them in his grace and console them in his mercy, and deliver them from all who leads them by violence of evil. R. Amen.

14-Pray and beseech for mercy from God, the Lord of all,

that you may be his kingdom, holy priests and people (B.266);

cry unto the Lord God Almighty with your whole heart and soul;

because he is God the Father: kind, merciful and clement, who does not will (wish) that his creatures perish but that they return to him and live before him. R. Amen.

15-And especially (it is proper that) we are bound to pray and praise, adore and glorify, honour and extol the One adorable God, the Father and the Lord of all, who has through His Christ given us good hope and salvation to our souls, that He may perfect in us his grace, mercy and kindness, until the end. R. Amen.

30. TUYABhA D-KASA WAD-PILASA: Chalice & Paten are prepared: Veil is spread during Karozutha. Adn comes in after 1st Karozutha to prepare them in Raza.

30.1 Kasa-chalice is incensed (J.103r; M.3r; QS 15; TQ 16; RE 28/23).

Make this chalice fragrant like the chalice of Aaron, the holy priest, in the Tabernacle of the covenant: Our Lord and God, who are the Lord of fragrant roots and of sweet smelling spices: in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Spirit of Holi- ness. Amen.

30.2 Prayerfully prepared wine is poured into the chalice:

Meshtpa’ Dma yaqir... (J.103r; TQ 14; change in M.3r):

The precious Blood is shed in (to) the chalice of our Lord Jesus Christ: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Spirit of Holiness. Amen.

30.3 Drops of water are added (poured) into chalice:

‘Etha Had min ‘Esttrattiotte... (J.103r; TQ 14):

One of the soldiers came and pierced the side of our Lord with a spear, and at once (immediately) there came out blood and water; and he who saw it has born witness, and his testimony is true: in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Spirit of Holi- ness. Amen.

Note: In Menesian Mass, wine is poured again with the prayer (n.30.4) that contradicts the other prayers (n.30.2) and destroys the symbolism. It is absent in J & in Latin Missal; so omit it!

30.4 Meth-hallatt Hamra bMayya... (M.3r; LM 301; B 251):

Wine is mixed with water and water with wine: in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

30.5 Pilsa-paten is incensed:

Our Lord and our God, make this paten fragrant, like the paten of Aaron, the holy priest, in the tabernacle: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Spirit of Holiness. Amen.

30.6 Bukhra-bread, prepared with special prayers (B 247-251), is placed on paten:

This paten is signed with the sacred Body of our Lord Jesus Christ: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Spirit of Holiness. Amen.

30.7 Shoshapa-Veil is incensed (M.3r; LM 300; QS 15):

Our Lord and God, make this Veil fragrant like the Veil of Elias the true Prophet: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Spirit of Holiness. Amen.

30.8 Meqablana-pallium (TQT 91; QS 15):

Our Lord and God, make this pall(ium) fragrant: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Spirit of Holiness. Amen.

30.9 Kethana: Our Lord and God, make this corporal fragrant: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Spirit of Holi- ness. Amen.

(They go to Bema/ Pathora: K 57).

31. KAROZUTHA-3: b-Bha‘utha... K 4; K-RE 53. Deacon-2 says:

01-Through petition and supplication we ask for the angel of peace and mercy. R. *We ask from you, O Lord* (= *ask*).

02-By day and night, all through our life, we ask for the Church

for a lasting peace and a life without sin; *ask*

03-we ask for concord of charity which is the bond of perfection

in the fulness of the Holy Spirit; *ask*

04-We ask for remission of sins, and for whatsoever is profitable to our life and pleasing to your divinity; *ask*

05-We ask for the constant mercy and kindness of the Lord at all times; *ask*

06-Let us commend our-selves (souls) and each one of us,

to the Father and to the Son and to the Spirit of Holiness.

07-R. We commend our souls to you, O Lord, our God.

Note: At the end of Karozutha, the sanctuary veil is drawn apart. Priest goes to the Bema or the middle of Sanctuary (Mad-baha: altar), and with extended hands prays in a loud voice.

32. SLOTHA: Prayer after Karozwatha: Lakh Marya ‘Alaha...

(QS 16; K 57f; K-RE 57f; V 222; TQ 16; RE 30f/25)

P. Lord, God Almighty, we implore and beseech you; perfect in us your grace, and pour forth your gifts through our hands; may your mercy and the kindness of your divinity become for (cause) the remission of the debts of your people, and forgiveness of the sins of all the sheep of your flock (fold), which you have chosen for yourself by your grace and mercy. (Add n.35.2). Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.

Note: To be short, in Simple Qurbana on weekdays, omit n.33-35 and add n.35.2. Before Burktha in Raza (n.33) or Siamida on Sundays (n.35) D.:

32.2 Barek-mar; Arkan Reshaykon laSiamida uqanbel Burktha (K 58).

Adn: Bless, my Lord. Bow down your heads for the imposition of hands and receive the blessing. (n.33 or n.35 follows).


(J.103r; M.4r; QS 16; K 58-60; TQ 17).


33.1 SLOTHA D-BURKTHA: Marya ‘Alaha angen Yammina... (TR 17f; TQ 17):

Our Lord and our God, stretch out your right hand of mercy on the Catholic and Apostolic Church which is spread from one end of the earth to the other. Preserve it from all harms, visible and invisible. Make us all worthy by your compassion to minister before you in purity and devotion, diligence and holiness (RE 31)

33.2 L‘alam wal‘alm ‘almin (2). Yamin Rahamaik Maran Isho’ angen

w‘ashra ‘al ‘Amak u’Ana d-Mari’thak: (K 60; B.270; RE 34/28).

D-1: For ever and for ever, and for all ages! (twice). (B.269).

Make the right hand of your mercy, Jesus, Our Lord, to overshadow and abide on your people and the sheep of your pasture.

33.3 Marya Rahamayk l‘alam. Wa‘bhad ‘idayk la tarpen b‘idai Bisha.

D-2: Your mercy, O Lord, endures for ever! Do not cast us, the work of your hands, into the hands of the wicked! (Evil one)!

Ushauzebhain min Nesyone: (K 60; RE 34/28).

But save us from temptations.

33.4 Marya asar Shuwdayak ak d‘eshtaudit lathre’sartak: (K 60).

D-1: O Lord, make good [also for us] the promises you made to the Twelve [Apostles]. (B.270; RE 34/27).

33.5 Ha ‘enna `amkon `ithai ‘adama l-Shulam d-Yaumatha: (K 60; B.270).

Priest: Behold! I am with you unto the end of days! (4 times).

(Priest kisses 4 sides of Bema for 4 corners of the world).

33.6 Hawi ‘aman ak d’am Shlihaik byad ‘Udrana dmin Taibuthak: (K 60).

R. Be with us as with your [Twelve] Apostles by the help of your grace (4 times).

Note: Priest kisses the 4 sides of bema-veil and blesses the people on his right (K 59; TQT 21): on west, south, east & north. The (4) prostrations and 12 kissings (4x3, centre & 2 sides) of the celebrant represent our Lord’s washing and kissing the feet of 12 Apostles (K-RE 63). This ceremoy is interpreted variously (J Vellian, Raza, p.90f). Other ministers too come & stand by the bema and sing together (33.7). All bow & kiss the bema-veil, to say farewell to bema.

33.7 Uhabh lan Zabhne damalen Shaina: dnaude unesgod wanshanbah laShmak ranba uqandisha: bkol ‘endanin. (K 60; B.270).

And grant us peaceful days, that we may confess, adore, glorify your great and holy Name at all times (3 times?).

33.8A.Alaha Mare-kol nehawe ‘am kollan... (K 61; B.271; K-RE 62f).

P. May God, the Lord of all, be with us all, and in us all,

by his grace and mercy, for ever. Amen. (TR 21; TQT 29).

33.8B. May God, the Lord of all, bestow his abundant mercy upon us

and stay with us, for ever. Amen. (TQ 22; RE 35/28).

33.8C. May our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all

in his grace and mercy, for ever, Amen. (B.270).

Note: All stand up and kiss the edge of paina of the Priest; he gives cross and gospel to the Deacons and blesses them (n.33.9); Deacons place them on altar in the sanctuary (K 59).

33.9 Alaha mare-kol n-qanbel Teshmestkon... (K 60).

P. May God, the Lord of all, receive your ministry,

and adorn you with all gifts of his goodness. R. Amen.

Note: These prayers (n.33.1-9) came after Dismissal (n.34) in old Raza (K.59); Creed (n.40) was said (K 61) before Onitha d-Raze-2 (n.37).

34. N’EZAL: DISMISSAL of the unworthy (catechumens): (K 59).

(Deacons standing at the door of Qanke-sanctuary alternate:)

34.1 Whoever has not received Baptism, may go out!

34.2 Whoever has not received the Sign of life, may go out!

34.3 Whoever does not receive It (Eucharist), may go out!

34.4 Listeners, you go and watch the doors (of the church)!

34.5 Let us pray; peace be with us (K 59). (cf n.35.5).

35. SIAMIDA: Imposition of Hands: On Sundays and Feastdays:

(J 103r; K.58; V 223; TQ 16f; TR 17; TQT 19f; K-RE 61f; RE 31/26):

35.1 Marya ‘Alaha Hayalthana... (M.4r; QS 16; TQQ 5; TK 12):

Lord, God Almighty, yours is the holy catholic Church: the sheep of your flock, which was redeemed by the great suffering of your Christ; and by the grace of the Holy Spirit, who is consubstantial with your glorious divinity, the grades (orders) of the imposition of the hands of the true priesthood are given (conferred). In your mercy, O my Lord, you have made us, who are little and of weak nature, worthy to be the recognised members in the great body of the Holy Church, and to minister spiritual helps to the (souls of the) faithful. Yourself therefore, perfect in us your grace, O Lord, and pour forth your gifts through our hands; may your mercy and the kindness of your divinity be upon us and upon this people whom you have chosen for yourself.

(Priest stands erect and says (n.35.2) in loud voice):

35.2 Uhabh lan Mar baHananak... (K 58f; TR 18; TQ17f).

And grant us, O my Lord, in your kindness, that we may, all of us together and in concord, all the days of our life, please your divinity by good works of justice, which appease and reconcile the glorious will of your Mercy (Majesty); and that we may be made worthy by the help of your grace to offer you praise and honour, thanksgiving and worship, at all times: Lord of all,

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for ever.

R. Amen.

Note: In Simple Qurbana on weekdays, this prayer (n.35.2) may be added to n.32.1, and omit n.33-35.

35.5 Dismissal of the unworthy (n.34) was here (QS 17; TR 18):

Now let those who are baptized and sealed with the sign of life, remain (stay) to participate in the holy mysteries, with devout attention (RE 32/26).


36. ONIThA D-RAZE-1: Solemn Approach of Priest to Sanctuary. Priest intones the ‘Onitha and makes 3 mattonya towards the altar:

36A.1 Kahanayk nelbshun Zandikutha uZandiqaik Shubhha: (K 59).

Your priests shall put on justice, and your just ones glory;

Kahanama-d‘a’el qdam Mad-bah Qud-sha

*The priest, on coming before the altar of holiness,

‘Idav dakhya‘ith pashett laShmaya wam-zamen l-Ruha

extends his hands in purity to heaven and invokes the Spirit;

Unahta min Rauma wam-qadsha Pagare waDme daMishiha.

and She descends from above and sanctifies the Body and Blood of Christ* (= *Priest*). (P. prostrates-1st mattonya).

(In Menesian Mass this prayer comes after consecration: LM 318).

36.2 Ne’ol l-Mashkane unesgod l-Kubhsha d-Reglav: Kahana ma...

We will enter his tent and adore his footstool; (K 59).

*The priest... and Blood of Christ (2nd mattonya).

36.3 Shubhha l‘Abha ulaBhra wal-Ruha d-Qudsha: Kahana ma-d‘a’el...

Glory be...; *The priest... and Blood of Christ (3rd mattonya).

36.4 Min ‘alam... From age to age... *Priest* (omit 4th mattonya)

Note: Rozian Taksa (1774) says: “Standing the Priest intones the hymn: “Your priests shall vest themselves”, and he prostrates three times to the sanctuary...” (J.Vellian, Raza, p.90).

Ruha is feminine (K.59; TR 66 & 86); so “She” is used in n.36.1 (n. & Greek text of creed says: “He was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary”. So Ruha was used as masculine for Holy Spirit in Greek and Latin, in Syriac too.

Menesian Mass put it after consecration and changed the wording: Priest... to heaven and consecrates the Body and Blood of Christ (M.6v).

Deacons welcome Priest at the door of Qanke, ask forblessing, and give him water to wash his hands (before Creed: K 61).

36.5 ‘Alaha Mare-kol n-shig... (K.61; TQ 18; TQT 29; QS 19; V.226).

May God the Lord of all, wash away the sordes of our debts band sins by the hyssop of his kindness and may he cleanse the stains of our corruptions in the immense ocean of his mercy. Amen. (K-RE 65). (Priest washes his hands).

36.6 Marya n-kapar Shuhta... (TQ 19; V.226; QS 19; K 61; K-RE 66).

May the Lord wipe away the stains of our sins by his grace and mercy. Amen. (Priest dries his hands).

36.7 Kad r-sisin... (=39.7; TQ 20f in Raza) is said before Creed;

Profession of faith (n.40) is made here (K 61) in Simple Qurbana.

37. ONITHA D’RAZE-2: Anthem of Mysteries/ Sanctuary: of the Day:

(M.3; QS 17; K 61; K-RE 66; V.224; TQ 18; TR 19 = NR 4; SM 3)

37A. Subhara-1st Sunday: (NR 4; SM 3; TQ 18; RE 35/29):

37A.1: M-sambaru sabareth b-Marya (2): (Ps.40:1; 22:25; 143:15):

Firmly have I trusted in the Lord:

Pagare daMishiha waDme yaqira ‘al Mad-bah Qud-sha:

The Body of Christ and his precious Blood are on the holy altar

B-Dehaltha wabhRehamtha kollan nethqarebh le:

Let us all approach him with reverence and love;

U’am Mala‘ke n-yanbebh le qandish qandish qandish Marya ‘Alaha.

and sing his praises with the angels; holy, holy, holy, Lord God.

37A.2: Ne‘khlun Meskene unesb’un: Ps.22:25. Pagare daMishiha...

The poor shall eat and be satisfied (Ps.22:25):

The Body of Christ... holy, Lord God.

(The following stanzas are omitted in Simple Qurbana):

37A.3: Tubhau l’ama d-hakana ‘ith le (Ps.143:15): Pagare daMishiha...

Blessed is the people who has such things: The Body of Christ...

37A.4: Dsurta: Verse from the Bible (Eph 1:7):

Haw dbhe ‘ith lan Purqana uShubhqana daHattahe: Pagare daMishiha

In whom we have redemption and remission of sins: The Body of...

D. Let us pray; peace be with us.

38. MASQA D’RAZE: Mysteries are taken to and set on the altar.

38.1 Deacon: Let us pray; peace be us.

38.2 Priest: We will offer praise (glory) to your glorious Name (Trinity), at all time, for ever.

Deacon: Amen.

38.3A. May Christ who was sacrificed for our salvation, and commanded us to celebrate the memory of his passion and death, burial and resurrection, accept this sacrifice from our hands by his grace and mercy, for ever. Amen.

Note: Priest takes paten in his left hand and chalice in his right, and the hands are crossed and raised during this prayer, and so they are brought down and placed on the altar: paten on his right and chalice on his left side: during the next prayer (n.38.4).

38.3B. Raze qandishe... (TQT 23) in Sauma-Fast:

The holy Mysteries that were perfected for our salvation, be the cause of remission of debts of people who receive them by the grace and mercy of Christ, for ever. Amen.

38.4 Mettsimin (3)...: Priest saying it thrice strikes the base of the chalice with paten (V 225):

These glorious and holy, life-giving and divine mysteries are set and arranged on the holy altar of Christ, until his glorious second coming from heaven; and to him be praise and thanksgiving, worship and honour, now and always, + and for ever and ever. Deacon: Amen.

Note: Chaldean prayer begins with “By your command...” and adds “of our Lord” (TR 20; TQT 23f), while Nazrani’s prayer omits both these additions, and it goes well in 3rd person. Priest places on the altar-stone the Mysteries, by making a cross with them over it, and coversthem with Shoshapa.

38.5 Priest covering the Mysteries with Shoshapa says (M.3v):

You are covered with light as with a vestament, and you extended the heaven as courtyard; now and always, and for ever and ever. Amen.

39. ONITHA D’RAZE-3: Shubh-ha l‘Abha... ‘al Mad-bah Qud-sha...

39.1 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Spirit of Holiness.

Upon the sacred altar let there be the memory (honour)

of Virgin Mary (Mart Maryam), Mother of Christ.

39.2 From age to age, for ever and for ever, Amen and Amen.

Apostles of the Son, and friends of the Only-begotten,

pray that there be tranquility in all creatures (peace in the world).

39.3 Let the whole people say: Amen and Amen.

Upon the sacred altar let there be* the memory of St Thomas,

(*your memory, our Father: TQQ 7; TR 20; TK 12; TQT 24)

in company with the just who have gained victory (triumphed)

and the martyrs who have been crowned.

39.4 The mighty God is with us; our King is with us; (angels are)

our angel (God) is with us; our helper is the God of Jacob.

39.5 The little in company with the great:

Behold! All the dead have fallen in the hope of you,

that you would raise them up in glory

through your glorious resurrection.

39.6 Pour forth your hearts before him:

By fasting, prayer and contrition of heart we shall appease

Christ and his Father and his Spirit.

Note: Chaldean Taksa that omits the name of Marthoma in n.39.3, omits also n.39.4 & 6, and 1st line of n.39.5 (TQQ 7; TR 20; TK 12; TQT 24). Our angel (M.3v); angels (QS 18); our God (TQ 20) is with us (n.39.4).

39.7 Kad r-zizin... (n.36.7) before Creed (TQ 20f; TQT 26):

Having our hearts washed clean from evil thoughts, may we be made worthy to enter the holy of holies, and to stand before your altar in purity and devotion, diligence and holiness, and to offer you spiritual and rational sacrifices in true faith.

40. M-HAYMANINAN... We believe...

Note: CREED comes after the Dismissal (K 61); between Gospel and Entrance (n.42) in Menesian Mass (M.4v; LM 307); after Gospel in Rozian Qurbana(QS 14; V.218). Liturgy is the celebration of faith; Creed is necessary in all Qurbana. “Creed may be omitted... (Dir.n.16)

40.1 We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, [Creator of heaven and earth and] Maker of all things visible and invisible.

40.2 And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, and the first-born (bukhra) of all creatures; He was not made (created) but born of His Father before all ages, (as) light from light, true God from true God, of one nature (consonsubstantial) with His Father: by His hands the worlds were formed and all things were created. For the sake of us (humans) and for our salvation He came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit, and became man, and was conceived and born of the Virgin Mary, and suffered and was crucified in the days of Pontius Pilate, died and was buried but on the third day He rose alive as it is written, and ascended into heaven and sat (sits) at the right hand of His Father, and He is to come again to judge the dead and the quick (living).

40.3 And (we believe) in one Spirit, the Giver of life (life-giving Spirit), the Spirit of Holiness and (the Spirit) of Truth, Who proceeds from the Father.

40.4 And in one Church, holy and apostolic, called Catholic (universal).

40.5 We acknowledge (confess /profess) one baptism for the remission of sins, and (expect) the resurrection of (human) bodies, and the life everlasting. Amen.

(TK 16: Priest washes hands, asks prayer).

41. KAROZUTHA: Commemoration of the deceased & Intercession:

41.1 Priest blesses Deacons (V.226; TQT 31; TQ 22; B.271):

41.1A. May God, the Lord of all, strengthen you to sing his praises.

Deacon: Let us pray; peace be with us.

41.2 Salaw al Dukhrana dAbhahain... (QS 55; V 264; TQ 22; K-RE 69f).

Let us pray for the memory of all our Fathers Patriarchs, [Catholicoi, Metropolitans] and Bishops, of all prieriests and deacons, of unmarried youths (young men) and virgins, of all our parents and brothers [and sisters], of all our sons and daughters, of all the faithful kings (rulers), that love Christ, and of all those who have departed from this world in true faith, of all prophets and apostles, and of all martyrs and confessors of this place and of all other places: that God may crown them at the resurrection from the dead, and grant us with them good hope and share (portion) and life and inheritance in the kingdom of heaven (QS 55; V.264; K-RE 71; B.271f; TQT 30f; change in TQ 22).

41.3 Barek-mar. Unethqanbel Qurbana hana... And may this Qurbana (oblation) be graciously accepted and sanctified by the word of God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and may it be unto us, by the grace of Christ, for help and salvation and life everlasting in the kingdom of heaven (B.272; TQT 31; QS 55; TQ 22 V.264; K-RE 71).

41.4. When Deacon says: Barek-mar (41.3), Priest says (in reply):

P. Halap kolhon d-hayin wadmithin... (TQQ 10; TQT 35; TQ 22):

For all the living and the dead is this Qurbana offered. May it be accepted from my sinfulness before the awful Bema (seat/ tribunal) of your (Majesty) Greatness, our Lord, with (open face) benigncy (B.273; TQT 35).

41.5. When Deacon finishes Karozutha, Priest blesses him:

P. Mishiha nashar Mellaik... (TQQ 10; TQT 36; B.273; TK-E 23):

May Christ confirm your words and accept the fruits of your lips, and remit the debts and sins of all those who listen to you.


42. SLOTHA D-MATTONYA: Prayer of Prostration (M 4v; LM 308; QS 19)


Raza-Qurbana-text-01to 41


01. PUQDANA-HADhThA: New Law for Christians (Jn 13:34-35).

Note: Priest greets people at the door (M-TTC 162; Pk-Q 151f; N.6/5:9).

01.1 P. Puqdankhon: [What is] your Law? (QS 8; V 212; TQ 1).

01.2 R. Puqdane daMishiha: [It is the] Law of Christ: Lk 22:19?

01.1B Let us begin Qurbana in accordance with the commandof Christ

01.2B Amen. We want to live in Christian Love (Jn 15:12).


02. TEShBOHTA L-’ALAHA: Glory to God (Lk 2:14; QS 8; V 212; TQ 1).

02.1 P. Teshbohta l‘Alaha baMaraume: Glory to God in the heights (3).

02.2 R. Amen (3). (Sing thrice; only twice in M.1v).

02.3 P. U’al ‘Ar’a Shlama uSabhra tabha laBhnai-nasha:

And on earth peace and firm hope to (men) people: M 1v; LM 293.

02.4 R. Bkhol ‘endan l’almin. Amen: At all times, for ever.Amen.

(Teshsbohta was sung first at Christmas only: F-Q 32f).

03. ABhUN D-BhA-ShMAYA: Our Father... (Mt 6:9-13; Lk 11:2-4).

03.1 Abhun dbhaShmaya, nethkandash Shmak; (tethe Malkuthak): (M 1v).

P. OurFather in heaven, hallowed be your name; (your kingdom come):

03.2 QANONA: Qandish, qandish, qandish-at, Abhun dbhashmaya!

Holy,holy,holy are you, our Father in heaven;

Damalen Shmaya w‘Ar’a Ranbuth Shubhhak;

Heaven and earth are full of your glory and praise;

‘Ire u`Nasha qa’en lakh: qandish, qandish, qandish-at.Angels and men cry out to you: Holy, holy, holy are you.

03.3 Abhun dbhaShmaya, nethkandash Shmak; tethe Malkuthak:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name; your kingdom come;

Nehawe Sebhyanakh ‘aikana dbhaShmaya ‘ap b‘Ar’a.

your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

03.4 Habh lan Lahama dSunaqanan yaumana. washbhoq lan Haubain

Give us the bread we need today; and forgive us our debts

waHattahain/ aikana d‘ap hanan shbhaqan leHayyabhain.and sins, / as we have forgiven those who offended us.

Ula ta’lan lNesyona, ‘ela passan min Bisha.

And let us not enter into temptation; but deliver us from the evil

one. Mettol d-dilakh-i Malkutha uHaila uTeshbohta, l’alam ‘almin `Amen.

Because / yours is the kingdom, / the power and the glory / for ever and ever, Amen.

Note: Bread (Jn 6:35 41 48; 6:68); Kingdom (Rom 14:17; 1Chr. 29:11).

M 1v omits “Glory be” etc (03.5-8). Cf F-Q 33-35.

03.5 Shubhha l‘Abha ulaBhra walaRuha daQudasha: Rev 4:11; 5:13; 7:12).

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Spirit of Holiness

03.6 Min ‘alam wa’dama l’alam, `Amen w`Amen. (Nazrani 4/4:4).

From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen.

03.7 Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name; (your kingdom come)

03.8 Qanona: Holy, holy,holy, are you, our Father in heaven;

Heaven and earth are full of your glory and praise; Angels and men cry out to you: Holy, holy, holy are you.

03.9 Deacon: Nesalle: Shlamma ‘aman.

D. Let us pray: peace be with us.

04. SLOThA daqdam Marmitha: PRAYER before PSALMODY.

04.A On Sundays and Feastdays: bHad-b-shanbe wabh’Ede:

P. Hayyel Maran w‘Aalahan... (M.1v; QS 8; V 213; TQ 2):

Our Lord and Our God,/ by (in) your compassion,/ strengthen our weakness,/ that we may celebrate the sacred Mysteries/ given for the renewal and salvation of mankind/ through the mercy of your beloved Son: Lord of all,/ Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness,/ for ever.

R. Amen.

04.B On Feast days of Our Lord: b’Ede Maranaye:

P. Hayel Maran w‘Alahan lamehaymenai... (TQ 2): Maran w‘Alahan!

Our Lord and Our God, strengthen us/ who rightly believe in your Name/ and sincerely confess the true faith,/ that we may celebrate the propitiatory Mysteries/ which sanctify the souls and bodies;/ that we may diligently render you priestly ministery,/ with hearts and minds free from all stain and evil thoughts,/ and praise you unceasingly/ for the redemption ganted to us/ in the abundant mercy of your goodness. Lord of all,/ Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, forever.

R. Amen.

04.C On Memoria-s and (ferial) Weekdays: b-Dukhrane wabhShhime:

P. Nestuged uneshtanbah... (M.1v; QS 8; V 213; TQ 3; K 33):

May the adorable and glorious name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, of the blessed Trinity, be worshipped, glorified, honoured, exalted, confessed and blessed in heaven and on earth, at all times. Lord of all, for ever.

R. Amen.

05. MARMITHA: of the Day: Sundays, Feasts, Memoria-s, Weekdays:

05A. M.38= Ps 96-98: NR 1-3. Subhara DenhaQyamtaSlibha & Mushe &’Ede

05B. M.56 = Ps 144-146: NR 82-84. Sauma Shlihe Qaytha ‘Elya &`Ede.

05C. M.57 = Ps 147-150: NR 252-54. Qudash‘Edtha. Immaculate Conception

05D. M.07 = Ps 19-21: NR 30-32. Dukrane: Yohannan Mamdana Giwargis.

05E. M.09 = Ps 25-27: NR 65-68. Dukrane: Mar Thoma Shliha Mar Aprem. 05F. M.12 = Ps 33 34: NR 38-40. Dukrane: Evangelists, Malpane, Pet-Paul.

05G. M.23 = Ps 62-64: NR 68-70. Dukrane: Patron-Sahada AdorHormezd

05H. M.33 = Ps 85 86: NR 58-60. Thursday of Ninivite Fast.

05I.M.34 = Ps 87 88: NR 77-78. Dukran ‘Anide:LastFriday of Denha.

05J. On Sundays: Ps 46 47 48 (of Easter: SM 92 94 etc for 96-98?)

05K. On Weekdays: Ps 15 150 116 (J.101v; M.1v; QS 8f; TR 7f; TQT 4f).

05L. On Ferial days: Ps 24:3-6 & 116. (MC 298-322; Nazrani 6/4:11).

Note: Marmitha begins with Qanona and ends with Shubh-ha (Glory be). Mazmora has its Qanona, after the 1st verse (repeated after qanona), and after Shubh-ha. Feastdays have some verse from Psalms, added before Shubh-ha. Such Verse & Response are called Aqaptha & Unaya. When Aqaptha & ‘Unaya of the DAY is (to be) sung, instead of qanona, sing thrice “halleluia” after first verse and after Shubh-ha. (see TEXT in Appendix-2.1-2, p.99-127).

06. AQAPThA U-UNAYA: of the Day:

06.1 Aqaptha: Verse from psalms, said before Shubhha of Marmitha.

06.2 ‘Unaya: Response-verse from psalms, eg. 06A. Ps.35:18 is:

06A.1) I will give you thanks in the great assembly (RE 12/8);

06A.2) I will praise you among many peoples (RE 12/8).

06. AQAPThA & UNAYA: for Feasts & Sundays & Dukrane:

06.A Ps 35:18 (NR 12; SM 10): after M.38; on feasts of our Lord.

06.B Ps 98:9 (MC 299): after M.38; on Sundays of Subhara Denaha etc

06.C Ps146:11(NR 84; SM 51): after M.56 on Pentecost, 12 Apostles 06.D Ps 46:4-5 (NR 17; SM 14): after M.57 on Sundays of Qudash‘Edta.

06.E Ps 1:3 (NR 215; SM 135): Shem‘on barShab‘e & Fathers-martyrs.

06.F Ps 5:11-12 (NR 44; SM 26): for Evangelists: Barnabas Timothy 06.G Ps 18:43 (NR 198; SM 225): Mar Thoma Sliha, Miracle-Cross.

06.H Ps 28:6-7 (NR 60 ; SM 39): Thursday of Ninevites.

06.I Ps 34:8 (NR 176; SM 112): Body & Blood of Xt: Corpus Christi

06.J Ps 34:22 (NR NR 40; SM 23): Peter & Paul Greek Malpans 70 disciple 06.K Ps 37:32 (NR 32 68 70; SM 19 44): John BaptistPatron-Sahda.

06.L Ps 44:22 (NR 211; SM 132): Shmoni & her 7 Sons.

06.M Ps 52:8 (NR; SM 78): Hosa‘na: Palm Sunday.

06.N Ps 58:11-12 (NR 48; SM 29): Mar ‘Estapanos: Lawrence.

06.O Ps 88:18 (NR 78; SM 48): Dukrana d‘anide: of the Dead.

06.P Ps 92:12 (NR 68; SM 44): Patron-Confessor, Aprem, St Joseph.

06.Q Ps 98:2-3 (NR 283; SM 232): Galyana: Transfiguration.

06.R Ps 105:3-4 (NR 61; SM 41): Syriac Malpans: Mar Aprem.

06.S Ps 144:10 (SM 187): Sabas, Jerome, Ambrose, Francis de Sales.

06.T Ps 144: 18-19 (NR 171; SM 109): Friday of Gold.

(See TEXT in Appendix-2.2, p.125-127)

Note: After Marmitha Chaldeans go to Bema; but in summer (Qaitta) they go to the court-yard outside the church, where they have the Liturgy of the Word; they return to the church in procession, singing the ‘Onitha-Anthem of the Gospel (B.261; SM p.vii). So the Karozutha and Onitha d-Raze were anticipated (LM 305-7).

07. SLOThA daqdam ‘Onitha: Prayer before Anthem of Sanctuary:

07A. On Sundays and Feastdays: Qdam Tronos Mar... (M.2r K.38 TQ.5).

P. Before the glorious throne of you majesty, O my Lord,/ and the high and exalted seat of your excellence,/ and the awesome bema of the power of your love,/ and the propitiatory altar which your will has established,/ and the place where your glory dwells,/ we, your people, and the sheep of your pasture,/ with thousands of cherubim who sing “alleluia” to you/ and tens of thousands of seraphim and archangels who sing to you “holy”,/ kneel, worship, give thanks and glorify you, at all times: Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness (eternal), for ever.

R. Amen.

07B. On the Feasts of Our Lord: Qdam Bema... (of Mar Elia III, TQT 8)

P. Before the awesome bema of your majesty,/ and the sublime throne of your divinity,/ and the marvellous seat of your honour,/ and the glorious chair of your lordship,/ where the cherubim, your servants, sing “halleluia” to you unceasingly,/ and the seraphim glorify you singing “holy” incessantly,/ we kneel in fear, and worship in awe,/ and confess and glorify you without intermission,/ at all times: Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever (TQ 5; RE 12f/9).

R. Amen.

07C. On Memoria-s (and ferial days): Lashmak ranba... (TQ 6):

P. We are bound (indebted) to confess (thank), adore and glorify/ your great and awesome, holy and adorable, magnificent and glorious name,/ and your blessed and incomprehensible Trinity/ and your (grace) goodness towards our mankind, at all times:/ Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.

07.5. SLOThA D-BhESME: Prayer of (blessing) Frank-incense:

07.5A. BaShma[k] sgida wamshabaha nethbarkun Besme halen...

P. May this incense which we place (offer) for your honour, be blessed in your Name, O Creator of pleasant roots and sweet spices, that it may be for (pleasing) your will and for our redemption: Lord of all, for ever. Amen. (TK 6; TQT 10; TK-E 7).

07.5B. Bashma sgida wamshabaha d‘Abha... (QS 8; K 41; TQ 6):

P. In the adorable and praiseworthy name of the Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, of the glorious Trinity, may this incense be blessed, that it may please your will and obtain remission of the debts of the sheep of your fold (flock): Lord of all, for ever. Amen.

07.5C. Nebhsam lak Maran... (TR 27; TQT 46f; TK-E 29):

P. Our Lord and our God, may you be pleased with the sweet smoke which we offer to you before your holy altar, within your glorious temple (haikala). May it be for the gladness of your holy Name and for the pardon of your servants and of your flock, O Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever. Amen.

07.6 While incensing the Cross: Mishiha dqanbel Dma dSahade... (TR 27):

Adn O Christ, who accepted the blood of martyrs on the day of their martydom, accept these incense, by the grace of your mercy, from the hands of my weakness. Amen.

07.7 Over the Deacon: Mishiha n-bhasmak... (TQT 11; TK-E 7):

May Christ, by his grace and mercy, gladden you in his kingdom and accept your service. Amen.

08. ONIThA D-QANKE: of the Day: Hymn of the Sanctuary at the Chancel):

(Priest intones the Hymn and incenses the Cross; he kisses the Cross, and holds it to be kissed by others).

08A. ‘Onitha of 1st Sunday of Subhara: Slibha da-hwa lan...:

*May the Cross be for us a strong fortress:

that was the cause of all our good-things,

by that we mortal humans were set free (from death),

by that we will overcome Satan and all his snares.*

08A.1. U-bhe-hu nehade Lenban: (NR 3; SM 4; K 39; RE 13/9).

And in him (it) alone shall our hearts rejoice:

1) Slibha dahwa lan ‘elath Tabhatha:

May the cross that has been to us the cause of all good-things,

Ubhehu ‘ethharar Gensan Mayotha:

and by which our mortal race (humanity) was set free,

Hu Mar nehawe lan Sura hasina:

be (cross) for us, O Lord, a strong fortress,

Ubheh nezkev lBisa/ ukolhen Sen’athe.

and by that (cross) we shall overcome the wicked one/

and all his snares (devices).

08A.2. DbhaSmeh qandisa Sabhran. 2) Slibha da-hwa lan...

For our hope is in his (its) holy name:

2) May the cross be for us... all his devices.

08A.3 Subhha l‘Abha ulaBhra walaRuha daQudsa: (K 40)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Spirit of Holiness

3) L’Edtakh Paroqan qandes baHananak:

Our Saviour, sanctify your Church by your mercy,

W‘ashra Taibuthakh bHaykala/ daprish l‘Iqarakh:

And make (cause) your grace dwell (reside) in the nave

(church),/ deidicated to your honour;

Wathros behaweh Madebahakh zahya:

And set in it your pure (holy) altar.

Da’lav mezdayyah Pagarakh waDmakh Marya.

Whereon, O Lord, your body and blood are to be sacrificed

08A.4. Min ‘alam wa’dama l’alam: `Amen w`Amen. (K 40)

From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen.

4) Maran dabhRahamav ‘eshtaudi l’Abhdav:

O Lord who out of your mercy promised to your servants

D-kol d-sha‘el nasebh/ wadbha’e meshkah:

That all who ask shall receive/ and all who search find,

Mennakh shalinan Haila u’Udarana:

We beseech you for strength and help (aid)

D-negmor ba’bhadain Sebhyan Maruthakh.

to fulfil by our deeds the (holy) will of your Lordship.

08A.5. N‘emar kolle ‘ama: ‘Amen w‘Amen. 5) Slibha da-hwa lan...

Let all people proclaim: Amen and Amen.

5) May the cross be for us... all his devices.

(After the kissing, Cross is put on Bema).

D. Peace be with us.

Note: On weekdays: Gifts are prepared early (TR 11); Veil is put.

09. SLOThA d-Laku Mara: Prayer before “Lord of all”.

09A. On Sundays and Feast days: Uma dpa‘ah ban... (K 40)

P. When the sweet fragrance of your love, O Lord our God, beathes over us,/ and our souls are enlightened with the knowledge of your truth,/ may we be found worthy to receive from heaven the manifestation of your beloved Son,/ and thank and praise you unceasingly in your Church,/ crowned like a spouse and full of all help and blessing. For you are the Lord and Creator of all,/ Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.

09B. B’Ede Maranaye: for special feasts of our Lord.

09C. On Memoria-s and Weekdays: U’al ‘Appai kolehon... (QS 10; V 215):

P. O Lord our God, for every help and grace you have given us,/ for which we can never repay you enough,/ we thank and glorify you unceassingly in your Church,/ crowned like a spouse, and full of all help and blessing. For you are Lord and Creator of all,/ Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.

Note: Shemeon Bar-Shaba (324-41) introduced it (Fabian-Qurbana, p.50).

Prayers over Gifts were said before Laku Mara (TR 11) & the Veil drawn.

Gunde b-Qanke (upper choir- in sanctuary) begins Laku Mara.

10. LAKU MARA D-KOLLA...: Lord of all...: (M 2r; QS 10; V 215; TQ 7)

10.1 Priest begins & (upper choir) people on north-right side joins:

Laku Mara d-kolla maudenan: Lord of all, we praise you;

Ulak Isho Mishiha meshabahinan:Jesus Christ, we glorify you;

D‘attu Menahammana d-Pagarain:For, you are the Quickener of our bodies

W‘attu Paroqa tabha d-Naphshathan.and the gracious Saviour of our souls

10.2 Deacon starts & (lower choir) people on south-left side joins:

10.2A. On Sundays and Feastdays:

Tau l-maudayu l-Marya/ walmezmar laSmak meraima: (TQ 7).

It is good (right) to thank you, O Lord,/ and to sing praises

to your name, O Most High:

Laku Mara...: Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

10.2B. B’Ede Maranaye: for each feast of our Lord: —-

10.2C. On Memoria-s and Weekdays:

‘Ashingeth dakhya‘ith ‘idai/ w‘thkaketh leMadbahak Marya:

I washed my hands clean,/ and went around your altar, O Lord:

Laku Mara...: Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

For Ramsa & Sapra: Leader of the Community begins:

10.2D. In a church /chapel:

I rejoiced when they said to me:/

We are going to the House of the Lord:

Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

10.2E. In a house or other place:

God, you are in every place;/ receive our supplications:

Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

10.2F. On a journey:

Lord, show me your paths;/ and make known to me your footpaths:

Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

Note: Roman Taksa of 1774 joined “Glory be & From age” with “wau” (and); this error from Taksa of 1767 was corrected in a Taksa of 1774 kept in monastery of Mannanam, says Fabian (Qurbana, p.52). It is customary that Priest says: Glory be..., eg. at the end of Psalms.

10.3 (P) Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Spirit of Holiness: Laku Mara...: Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

10.4 (D) From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen:

Laku Mara...: Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

10.5 (P) Let all people say: Amen and Amen:

Lord of all, we praise you ... of our souls.

D. Let us pray; peace be with us.

11. SLOThA: ‘Attu Mar... (M 2r; QS 11; V 216; K 41; TQ 8):

P. You, O my Lord, are indeed the quickener of our bodies,/ and the gracious saviour of our souls,/ and the constant preserver of our lives. O my Lord, we are bound (indebted) to thank, adore and glorify you: Lord of all, for ever.

R. Amen.

11.5 SLOThA on Sundays: Lak Qandisha... (Syriac Breviary, p. 298):

O Holy One, who are holy by nature and glorious by essence, high and excellent above all by divinity, the eternally adored and blessed nature: we thank, worship and praise you always: Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.

12. QAnDIShA ‘ALAHA: Holy God (M 2r; QS 11; V 216; K 41; TQ 8).

12.1. D. ‘Arim Qalekon ushanbah kolle ‘amma l‘Alaha hayya.

Raise your voices, all you people, and praise the living God.

12.2. Upper choir or those in sanctuary begin:

Qandisha ‘Alaha: Holy God,

Qandisha Haylthana: Holy Mighty One,

Qandisha la-mayotha: Holy Immortal one,

‘Ethraham ‘alain. Have mercy on us.

12.3. Priest starts and people on north-right sing:

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Spirit ofHoliness.

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal one, Have mercy on us.

12.4. Deacon replies and people on south-left sing:

From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen:

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal one, Have mercy on us.

13. SLOThA: Qandisha washbhiha... (K 42 TQ 10).

O Holy and Glorious One, O Mighty and Immortal One, who dwell in the saints, and whose will is accomplished in them, we beseech you; O my Lord, look upon us, pardon us, and have mercy on us, as you are wont to, at all times: Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.


14. QINTA/ ZUMARA: On Great Feastdays (TQ 11):

Note: Qinta is often added to Shuraya-1 & its Punaya (F-Q 70f).

It is better to sing it here to inform people of the Feast celebrated.

14A. L-Mawlade d-Maran (L‘Amade/ LaQyamta/ L-Sulaqa/ l-Gelyana d-Maran:

*Nyaqar ba-Zmiratha d-Ruha: *Halleluia, ‘Ehalleluia (2).

Let us celebrate the feast of Nativity/ Baptism/ Resurrection/

Ascension/ Revelation of our Lord: *with hymns of the Spirit:

*Halleluia, ‘Ehalleluia, ‘Ehalleluia.

R. *Halleluia, ‘Ehalleluia, ‘Ehalleluia.

14B. L-Dukrane d-qandisha—: d-Mar Thoma Shliha: *Nyaqar...

Let us honour the memory of Saint—: St Thomas:

*with hymns of the Spirit: *Halleluia—.

Note: Syro-Malabar Church mis-used it in Raza for the Dead (K 43-45):

Following Latin custom, instead of halleluia (3), *Glory be to you, O God (3)* was sung (cf 18C & 22C) “with the hymns of the Spirit”.

14C. L-Dukrane d’annida... *Nyaqar...: *Shubhha lak ‘Alaha (3)*:

Let us honour the memory of... *with hymns of the Spirit: *Glory* 14C-1 Let us honour the memory of the demised Pope /Bishop /Priest: *with hymns...: *Glory*

14C-2 Let us honour the memory of the deceased deacon: *with hymns...

14C-3 Let us honour the memory of the departed man /woman: *with hymns...: *Glory*

D. Let us pray; peace be with us.

15. SLOThA daqdam Qeryane: Prayer before OT Readings (RE 19/15):

Note: Chaldeans say it on Memoria-s and during Fast except on Sundays; but RE 19/15 says: On other days and on Sundays in Lent!

15A.Lak Medabrana hakima... (QS 11; K 46; V 217; TQT 14f; TQ 10):

O wise Ruler and marvellous Provider of your household,/ and the great Treasure-house, pouring forth all help and blessing by your mercy, we beseech you; O my Lord, illumine us with the knowledge of your Greatness, and grant us the grace that we may meditate on your books (words) and be guided by your life-giving and divine precepts (TK-E 10f), at all times: Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.

15B. Manhar laMlile... (TQT 16; TK-E 11): (to be short).

O my Lord, who enlighten rational beings by the knowledge of your Majesty, illumine our thoughts that we may meditate upon your holy and divine scriptures at all times: O Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever. R. Amen.

Note: Reader used to wear Urala (Urara-royal sign) during the reading. It shows Deacons used to read the OT books (F-Q 65-67).

16. SEPRA: Torah (Law) or Book of... (1st Reading):

16.1 Qaroya-1 (reader) goes to the Priest, (kisses his hand) and bowing to him says: Barek-mar: Bless, my Lord. Priest blesses him:

16.2A. Brik ‘Alaha, Mare-Kol... (TR 13; K 43; TQ 9):

Blessed be God, the Lord of all, who makes us wise with his holy teaching; may his mercy be showered upon the reader and the listeners, at all times, for ever. Reader: Amen.

16.2B. ‘Alaha Mare-kol n-hakmak... (TQT 12f; TK-E 9):

May God, the Lord of all, give you wisdom by his holy doctrines. May his mercy and compassion abound on the reader and the hearers. By his grace and kindness, may you be a pure mirror to all who listen and hear the word of teachings through your mouth. Reader: Amen.

16.3 Qaroya-1: replying Amen, goes to the left-south side.

16.4 Natar-Taksa says: Tebh washlaw: Sit down and be attentive (K 43; TR 16).

16.5 Qaroya-1: My brethren [a reading from] the book of...

16.6 R. Shubhha lMarya Alahan: Praise be to the Lord, our God.

16.7 R. at the end of the reading: Praise be to the Lord, our God.

17. NeBhYUThA: Prophecy of... (2nd Reading):

17.1 Qaroya-2 (reader) goes to the Priest, (kisses his hand) and bowing to him says: Barek-mar: Bless, my Lord. Priest blesses him:

17.2A. ‘Alaha Mare-Kol n-hailak... (TQT 13; TK-E 9):

May God the Lord of all, by his mercy and compassion, strengthen you and make you wise by his holy doctrines. R. Amen.

17.2B. Blessed be God, the Lord of all, who makes us wise with his holy teaching; may his mercy be showered upon the reader and the listeners, at all times, for ever. R. Amen.

17.2C. May God the Lord of allbless you!

17.3 Qaroya-2: replying: Amen, goes to the left-south side.

17.4 Natar-Taksa says: Shlau: Be silent (attentive). (TR 16).

17.5 Qaroya-2: My brethren [a reading from] the prophecy of...

17.6 R. Praise be to the Lord, our God.

17.7 R. at the end of the reading: Praise be to the Lord, our God.

18. ShURAYA-1: of the day: Responsorial Psalm is sung (TQ 11).

18A. Antiphon: On Sundays and Feastdays (Ps 19:1-2; K 43):

P. Shmayya meshta’en Shubhhe d‘Alaha: Halleluia (thrice):

01-The heavens show forth the glory of God; Halleluia (3 times).

02-And the firmament declares the works of His hands; Halleluia-3

03-The day utters the speech to the day; Halleluia (3).

04-Glory be to the Father ...; Halleluia (3).

05-From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen; Halleluia (3).

18B. Other Shuraya-s follow (See Appendix-2.3), eg. 18C.


X18C. Shuraya-s for the Dead (K 44-45; K-RE 26-28; cf n.14C):

*In Raza for the Dead, for Halleluia, say *Glory be to you, O God (3)*

(= *Glory*).

18C-1. For a deceased Pope, Bishop, or Priest:

P. Ma rehameth Namosak... (K 44).

01-How much I loved your law,

and the whole day it was my meditation: *Glory*

02-Make me wiser than my enemies,

for I have kept your commandments: *Glory*

03-Give me understanding more than all my instructors,

because your testimony was my meditation: *Glory*

04-Glory be to the Father ... Holy Spirit: *Glory*

05-From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen: *Glory*.

18C-2. For a Deceased Deacon: P. B-Qal l-Marya qreth... (K 44).

01-In my voice I cried to the Lord;

in my voice I besought the Lord: *Glory*

02-And I have poured forth my tribulation before him: *Glory*

03-Glory be to the Father... Holy Spirit: *Glory*

04-From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen: *Glory*

18C-3. For a Man or Woman: P.Marya ‘Alaha dPurqan... (K 45).

01-O Lord, God of my salvation: *Glory*

02-Both day and night have I cried to you: *Glory*

03-Glory be to the Father... Holy Spirit: *Glory*

X04-From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen: *Glory*


D-1: Let us pray; peace be with us.

19. SLOThA daqdam Shliha: Prayer before the Epistle (QS 11; K 46):

Natar-Taksa: Qum laSlotha: Arise for the prayer! (TQ 11; TR.16).

19A. Anahar-lan Maran... (M 4r; QS 11; V 217; TQ 9; TR 14):

P. Our Lord and our God, illumine our minds that we may pay attention to and understand the sweet voice of your life-giving and divine commandments. Grant us by your grace and mercy that we may receive the increase (gather the fruits) of love and hope from them and the salvation that is beneficial to the soul and the body; and that we may sing to you constant praise, without ceasing, at all times: Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness for ever.

R. Amen.

19B. Lak Semeha—- (TQT 15; TK-E 10f): (to be short).

O Brightness of the Father’s glory and the image of Qnoma of the Begeter (Yaloda), who manifested yourself in our humanity, enlighten our souls by the light of your Gospel, that we may be guided by your life-giving and divine commands: Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.

(Priest & Adn take their seats; Deacons who sing Turgama say Barek-mar, and priest blesses them saying:)

19.5 Alaha Mare-kol n-hayyel... (TQT 15f; TK-E 11):

P. May God the Lord of all, by his grace and mercy, strengthen your thoughts and make your tunes melodious that you may sing his praises. R. Amen.

20. TURGAMA-1: daqdam Shliha: of the day: Commentary (TQ 10).

20.A. O d’eztaman... (K 47; K-RE 31. RE 20f/15f).

01-O you who are summoned by a great inspiration (power of God)

to the bride chamber of life for the banquet of the King

of the inhabitants of heaven and earth:

02-Examine in the fire of the gospel

and cleanse (purify) in the divine furnace

your mind (heart) of all worldly thoughts.

03-The Lord has thrown open a treasure of happiness

before the seekers and has said to the sinners:

Come and take back the chirograph of your debts!

04-Purify your hearts and be converted like unto little children that you may be made heirs and domestics of heavenly kingdom.

05-Behold! it is preached unto you in spiritual voices,

and also a way is open for you to the eternal bliss.

06-You have to turn away, like Paul the Hebrew,

from the shadow of precepts to the law of truth.

07-The Lord found him very enthusiastic

and zealous among the people of Israel;

and called him to be zealous of Christian people.

08-Behold him struck blind in the traditions of old law,

and then his eyes were opened by the power of the law of Jesus

09-He expellled from his mind all deceitful thoughts/ and becoming

an Apostle he proclaimed his power among the Greeks.

10-It is just that we listen to his glorious and trustful words.

Now he preaches by his Epistle to the Corinthians/ Ephesians.

20B. —-

521. ShLIHA/ EnGARTA: Apostle/ Epistle of Paul to...

21.1 Deacon kisses the hand of the Priest and bowing to him says: Barek-mar: Bless, my Lord.

21.2 Priest blesses him: Mishiha n-hakmakh... (K.48).

May Christ make you wise in his holy teaching and make you a beautiful mirror to those who listen to you, and hear the word of teaching from your mouth by the grace of his mercy.

21.3 Deacon, replying: Amen, goes to the north-right of Qestroma.

21.4 Natar-Taksa: Bshelya hawau washlau: Be quiet and attentive!

(TR 16). A minister with a lighted candle stands near the Deacon, who facing the people, reads the “Apostle” or Epistle:

21.5 My brethren! Apostle Paul’s Epistle to the... Corinthians/

21.6 R. Shubhha laMishiha Maran!: Praise be to Christ, our Lord.

21.7 R. at the end of the reading: Praise be to Christ, our Lord.

21.8 Deacon: sings Halleluia (thrice). They sing Shuraya/ Zumara.

22. ShURAYA-2: Resp. Ps. after Epistle =Zummara: of the Day:

22.A. Antiphon: On Sundays and Feastdays: (Ps.45:1; K 48; RE 22):

P. Anba’ lenbe Pethgame tabhe: Halleluia, Halleluia:

01-O my heart, utter good verses: Halleluia (2).

02-And I recount my works to the king: Halleluia (2).

03-My tongue is like the pen of a clever scribe: Halleluia (2).

04-Glory be to the Father...: Halleluia (2).

05-From age to age, for ever,...: Halleluia (2).

22B. Other Shuraya-s (EO 2:152) follow (See Appendix-2.4).


X22C. Shuraya-s for the Dead: (K 49-50; K-RE 34-36).

For Halleluia, say: *Glory be to you, O God (2)* (= *Glory*).

22C-1. For a deceased Pontiff, Bishop or Priest (K 49. K-RE 34):

01-Iwashed my hands clean and went around your altar, O Lord: *Glory*

02-That I may voice forth (the sound of) your glory: *Glory*

03-And that I may proclaim all your wonders: *Glory*

04-Glory be to the Father... Holy Spirit: *Glory*

05-From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen: *Glory*

22C-2. For a deceased Deacon (K 49; K-RE 35):

01-O Lord, I loved the service of your house: *Glory*

02-And the place of the habitation of your glory: *Glory*

03-Do not destroy me together with the sinners: *Glory*

04-Glory be to the Father... Holy Spirit: *Glory*

05-From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen: *Glory*

22C-3. For a deceased Man or Woman (K 49; K-RE 36):

01-Behold! You work wonders on behalf of the dead: *Glory*

02-And they will arise strengthened and confess you: *Glory*

03-And those from the graves will narrate your mercy: *Glory*

04-Glory be to the Father... Holy Spirit: *Glory*

X05-From age to age, for ever, Amen and Amen: *Glory*


D-1: Peace be with us. D-2: Barek-mar. Bless, O my lord!

Priest blesses Deacons for singing Turgama-2 (cf 19.5).

23.0. ‘Alaha Mare-kol nehayyel... (TK 9; TK-E 11).

May God, the Lord of all, strengthen your thoughts, by His grace and mercy, that you may sing His praises and render your tunes melodious. R. Amen. (n.19.5).

(Priest & Adn remain seated, while Deacons sing at Qanke):

23. TURGAMA-2: daqdam Evangalyon: Commentary before Gospel.

23A. O damahaymanin... (K 51; K-RE 39. RE 23/19).

01-O believers in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! come and listen to the words

that give health to the body and life to the soul.

02-The Son of God was like a man among men,

and by his command he liberated men from sin.

03-He opened before you a great treasure: this sermon;

and this entire book is full of life and happiness.

04-Devils flee and evil spirits depart in fear,

when they hear this living and life-giving word.

05-This is the light; this is the truth; this is the life;

he who is preached in it, is the one

who judges the living and the dead.

06-You have to know that all nations are saved by him;

believe firmly that all sins are forgiven by him.

07-The sower has gone to sow the word for the seed,

offer before him your hearts for the fields.

08-His voice (word) is life and happiness, kindness and mercy;

his sermon is hope and life, kindness and happiness.

09-Blessed is he believes in him and trust in his word;

for, even if he is dead, he shall live;

and if alive, he shall not die in his faults (sin).

10-The only-begotten, Son of God, came into this world;

he was born from a virgin, in an excellent nature,

except the angels (Rev. 12:7).

11-He healed the sick, he raised the dead, he cast out devils;

he loosened death, he died, he became alive, he rose up,

and ascended into heaven.

12-He sent the Spirit to his disciples and made them wise,

and sent them to the four quarters of the world,

to preach the gospel.

13-This is the door through which anyone enters the house of kingdom

this is the way entirely free from all snares (pitfalls).

14-This is the voice which if heard makes even the dead alive,

and this is the sermon which if despised makes even the living dead.

15-And now Mathew (Mark /Luke /John) explains (comments on)

what he has seen and heard;

and so let him hear, who has ears to hear.

23B. Other Turgama-2 follows.

24. SLAWATHA: Prayers before the Gospel: (TR.15; TQT 15; TQ 11):

24.1 Reyha Mar hanniya... Prayer for blessing the incense (TQ 11):

P. May the sweet scent which wafted forth from you, O Lord, when Mary, the sinner, poured fragrant ointment on your head, be mixed in this incense which we offer in your honour and for the pardon of our debts and sins: Lord of all, for ever, Amen. (TK-E 12).

24.2 Lakh Semha... (V 218): Priest bowing before the Gospel says:

O Splendour of the Glory of your Father, and Image of the Qnoma (hypostasis) of your Genitor! you were manifest in the body our own humanity, and illumined the darkness of our mind by the light of your Gospel: We praise, worship and glorify you, at all times: Lord of all, for ever, Amen. (Priest incenses the Gospel).

24.3 Hakemayn... (QS 12; V 218; TQQ 5; TK 9; TQT 16; TQ 12).

P. Make us wise in your law, and enlighten our faculties with your knowledge, and sanctify our souls by your truth, that we may be obedient to your words, and fulfilling your precepts, at all times: Lord of all, for ever, Amen. (Gospel is solemnly taken to the door of Qanke, or to Bema: with 2 candles, cross & thurible).

24.4 Deacon: Qum ‘athidayith... (K 53; K-RE 41. TR 16; TQ 14):

(Let us) Stand ready to listen to the holy Gospel (Staumen Kales).

25. EVANGALYON: GOSPEL is solemnly read by the Bishop /Priest

who blesses the people with Gospel, saying loudly:

25.1 Shlama ‘amakhon! Peace be with you! He signs people with it

25.2 R. And with you, and with your spirit!

25.3 P. ‘Evangalyon... The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

the preaching (Karozutha) of Mathew (Mark/ Luke/ John):

25.4 R. Praise be to Christ, our Lord.

R. (after the reading) Praise be to Christ, our Lord.

25.5 Shubh-ha l-Rahame... (V 218): Priest kissing the Gospel says:

Praise be to the Eternal Mercy that has sent you to us,

O Christ, Light of the world and Life of all, for ever. Amen

25.6 After the Gospel (kissed also by people), they sing as follows:

25.6A. Mattai uMarkos uLuka uYohannan:

Slothkhon tehawe Shura l-Naphshathan (TQ 13; TR 16).

Mathew, Mark, Luke and John,

May your prayers be a fortress for our souls!

25.6B. Kthabha ranba... ranba Marya: (cf n.26):

The great Book of the Gospel: of Christ the King and our Saviour:

Four wonderful writers composed their books by the inspiration of the Spirit: Mathew for the faithful of Judea, and Mark for those in Rome, and Luke for the Egyptians, and John for the Ephesians. Now people everywhere meditate on their writings, and praise the great power of the Lord Jesus!

26. ONITHA D’EVANGALYON: Anthem of the Gospel: (B.261; K 51).

26A. Kthabha ranba... Halleluia (3): (K 51; K-RE 37f; TQ 13).

26A.1 DabhResh Kthabhe kthibh ‘alai (2)

For at the head of the books it is written of me:

Kthabha daSbharthe: deMalka Meshiha Paroqan:

The great Book of the Gospel of our Saviour, Christ the King:

Arb’a Sapra dThedmurta: bHeil Ruha qbha’u Sepraihon:

Four wonderful writers composed their books

by the inspiration of the Spirit:

Mattai laMehaimane dbhayhud: uMarkos lehanon dabhRome:

Mathew for the faithful of Judea, and Mark for those in Rome,

ULuka laBhnai ‘Agebhttos: uYohannan l‘Appassaye:

And Luke for the Egyptians, and John for the Ephesians.

Uhasha b‘arb’apenyatha: bSepraihon ha meth-hagein:

Now, behold, everywhere people meditate on their writings,

Kad masqin Shubh-ha: leHailakh ranba Marya.

While praising your great power, O Lord!

26A.2 Leme’bhad Sebhyanak ‘Alaha sbheith: Kthabha ranba...

I desired, O God, to do your will: The great Book... O Lord!

26A.3 Subh-ha l‘Abha ulaBhra walaRuha daQudasa: Kthabha ranba...

Glory be to the Father...: The great Book... O Lord!

26B. The Anthem of the Gospel (B.261):

26B.1. God is gone up with a merry noise:

and the Lord with the sound of the trump(et-blast).

*The First-fruits who took our nature is gone up to heaven of heavens on high, the only-begotten Word of the Father celebrated in procession with chariots of cherubim, and has opened a way for our race and made peace in the height and in the depth and made them rejoice in the day of his ascension. He has entered into the divine holy of holies to exercise his priesthood for our salvation and has st down on the seat of his kingdom at the right hand of the Father who sent him, and has lifted us up with him and set us on his right hand, as it is written. Glorify and confess him with fear and love for this grace, for he is the head and substance of the holy church. Beseech him and beg of him that he pity us.* (B.261).

26B.2. He rode upon the cherubim and did fly.

You are gone up on high, you have led captivity captive.

*The First-fruits... that he pity us.*

26B.3. Glory be to the Father & to the Son & to the Spirit of Holiness.

In the great day of the Ascension of the heavenly king of kings to the great height of heaven he lifted up his holy hands and blessed the company of the apostles and was separated from the disciples ans ascended in glory into heaven and a cloud of light received him and he was hid from their sight and the disciples saw him not. And behold two angels standing in white apparel and saying to the company of the apostles: Ye men, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus who is taken up shall come in glory in the great day of the resurrection”. The disciples returned in sorrow from the mount called the Mount of Olives and were daily in the temple glorifying and blessing the Lord. According to the commandment they tarried in the temple of Jerusalem until they were endued with the Holy Spirit, and they were witnesses in all Judaea and in Jerusalem and preached and announced the Gospel and made disciples and baptized in the name of Jesus. To him be glory! (B 261).

27. AMORUTHA: Homily (TQT 17).

Deacon: Tebh washlaw: Be seated and attentive (TQT 17).

Note: In Simple Qurbana, as Gospel and Cross may be brought to Bema (table) in the opening procession (Directives of 1989, n.6), so they may be taken to the altar before Karozutha by Deacons. Sanctuary Veil is spread before Karozutha.


28. KAROZUTHA-1: N-qum shapir... Abha d-Rahame... (K-RE 45; B.262)

28A. On Sundays & Feasts: Add petitions marked with cross (+).

Let us all stand up properly in joy and cheerfulness,

and let us beseech and say: Maran ‘Ethraham ‘alain!

R. *Lord, have mercy on us! = Have mercy on us, O Lord* = *Lord*

28B. On weekdays: Let us all stand up properly in (sorrow and solitude)

repentance and earnestness, and let us beseech and say: *Lord*

01-Father of mercies and God of all solace, we beseech you: *Lord*

02-Our Saviour, the procurer of our salvation,

and the provider of all things, we beseech you: *Lord*

03-For the peace, harmony and stability of the whole world,

and of all Churches, we beseech you: *Lord*

04-For our country (land) and for all countries

and for those who live therein in faith, we beseech you: *Lord*

05-For a moderate climate and a seasonable year, for the produce of fruits, and for the properity of the whole world, we beseech you: *Lord*

06-For the welfare of our holy Fathers (name Pope, Patriarch, Metro- politan and Bishop) and all their ministers, we beseech you: *Lord*

(Add on Sundays the petitions marked with cross +)

07-+For the kings who have power in this world, we beseech you: *Lord*

08-Merciful God, who govern all with love, we beseech you: *Lord*

09-+For orthodox presbyters and deacons and all our brotherhoood in Christ, we beseech you: *Lord*

10-Who are rich in mercy and generous in kindness, we beseech you *Lord*

11-+Who are before all ages, and whose power abides for ever,

we beseech you: *Lord*

12-Who are good by nature, and the giver of all good things,

we beseech you: *Lord*

13-Who have no pleasure in the death of a sinner but desire that he repent of his wickedness and live, we beseech you: *Lord*

14-Who are glorified in heaven and worshipped on earth,

we beseech you: *Lord*

15-+Who in your holy (ascension) made the earth to rejoice and

the heavens to be glad, we beseech you: *Lord*

16-Who are immortal by nature, and dwell in the excellent light, we beseech you: *Lord*

17-+ O Saviour of all men and specially of those believing in you,

we beseech you: *Lord*

18-O Christ our Lord, save us all by your grace, and increase in us (our midst) your peace and tranquility and have mercy upon us.

29. KAROZUTHA-2: N-sale unebh‘e... ‘Al ‘Edta... K 54-57; B.263.

Natar-Taksa: *Let us pray and beseech God, the Lord of all,* (= *let*) that He hear the voice of our prayer with favour and accept our petition and have mercy on us. R. Amen.

01-For the Holy Catholic Church which is here and every where: *let* that his peace and tranquility (dwell) abide therein until the end of the world. R. Amen.

02-For our Fathers the Bishops and Pastors: *let* that they may stand at the head of all their dioceses (parishes) and govern their sheep (free from) without blame and blemish all the days of their life. R. Amen.

03-And especially for our holy Fathers NN (Bishop Mar..., Metropolita Mar..., Patriarch Mar..., and Pope Mar..., head of the whole Church of Christ: *let* that he may keep and sustain them in the governing of all their (dioceses) sheep that they may be able to feed them, minister to them, and prepare them to the Lord a perfect people, desiring of good and honest works. R.Amen.

04-For priests and deacons, devoted to the service of truth: *let* that they may render Him service with good heart and pure conscience. R. Amen.

05-For all who have embraced the chaste and holy state of life, the offspring of holy catholic Church: *let* that they may complete the noble course of their sanctification and receive from the Lord their hope and reward in the land of the living. R. Amen.

06-For the memory of Blessed Martha Mariam, Virgin and Holy Mother of the living God, our Saviour and Life-giver: *let* that the same Holy Spirit who dwelt in her sanctify us through His grace, accomplish in us His will, and corroborate us in His truth, all the days of our life. R. Amen.

07-For the memory of prophets and apostles, martyrs and confessors *let*

that by their prayers and sufferings he may give us good hope and salvation with them, and render us worthy of their happy memory and their living and true reward in the kingdom of heaven.

R. Amen.

08A-For the memory of our holy Fathers and Doctors of the truth:

Mar Aprem, Gregory, Basil, John (Chrysostom), Athanasius, Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome, and all true teachers and priests:

08B-For the memorial of our holy Fathers, Mar Diodore and Mar Theodore and Mar Nestorius, bishops and doctors of the truth, and Mar Aprem and Mar Narsai and Mar Abraham, and all the holy, ancientand true doctors (B.264): *let* that by their prayersand entreaties the pure truth of their doctrine in their confession and profession of faith may be kept up all over the holy catholic Church, until the end of the world. R. Amen.

09-In memory of our parents and brethren, true believers, who have died and departed from this world in the true faith and its orthodox confession (praiseworthy profession): *let* that he absolve them and grant them the remission of their faults and transgressions, and make them worthy to enjoy the bliss in company with the just and the saintly, who pleased Him. R. Amen.

10-For this country and its inhabitants and for this city/ village and its dwellers, and especially for this assembly of ours: *let* that our Lord and God may by his mercy avert from us the sword and slavery, plunder and tumult, famine and pestilence, and all malignant afflictions, whatever is harmful to the body. R. Amen.

11-For all those who have gone astray from the true faith, and are entrapped in the snares of Satan: *let* that he avert the hard- ness of their heart and make them know (they may acknowledge) that (God is one, the Father of truth) One is true God the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. R. Amen.

Natar-Taksa stops; Deacon-1 says: Barek Mar! (K-RE 51), and

Priest: May God, the Lord of all, enable you to sing his praises.

12-For all those who are dangerously ill or tempted by bad spirits *let* that Our Lord and God in the excess of grace and mercy may send his angel of mercy and health to visit, treat, heal and help them. R. Amen.

13-For the poor and the needy, orphans and widows, the troubled and the oppressed, and all those mentally afflicted in this world: *let* that he nourish them in his grace and console them in his mercy, and deliver them from all who leads them by violence of evil. R. Amen.

14-Pray and beseech for mercy from God, the Lord of all,

that you may be his kingdom, holy priests and people (B.266);

cry unto the Lord God Almighty with your whole heart and soul;

because he is God the Father: kind, merciful and clement, who does not will (wish) that his creatures perish but that they return to him and live before him. R. Amen.

15-And especially (it is proper that) we are bound to pray and praise, adore and glorify, honour and extol the One adorable God, the Father and the Lord of all, who has through His Christ given us good hope and salvation to our souls, that He may perfect in us his grace, mercy and kindness, until the end. R. Amen.

30. TUYABhA D-KASA WAD-PILASA: Chalice & Paten are prepared: Veil is spread during Karozutha. Adn comes in after 1st Karozutha to prepare them in Raza.

30.1 Kasa-chalice is incensed (J.103r; M.3r; QS 15; TQ 16; RE 28/23).

Make this chalice fragrant like the chalice of Aaron, the holy priest, in the Tabernacle of the covenant: Our Lord and God, who are the Lord of fragrant roots and of sweet smelling spices: in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Spirit of Holi- ness. Amen.

30.2 Prayerfully prepared wine is poured into the chalice:

Meshtpa’ Dma yaqir... (J.103r; TQ 14; change in M.3r):

The precious Blood is shed in (to) the chalice of our Lord Jesus Christ: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Spirit of Holiness. Amen.

30.3 Drops of water are added (poured) into chalice:

‘Etha Had min ‘Esttrattiotte... (J.103r; TQ 14):

One of the soldiers came and pierced the side of our Lord with a spear, and at once (immediately) there came out blood and water; and he who saw it has born witness, and his testimony is true: in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Spirit of Holi- ness. Amen.

Note: In Menesian Mass, wine is poured again with the prayer (n.30.4) that contradicts the other prayers (n.30.2) and destroys the symbolism. It is absent in J & in Latin Missal; so omit it!

30.4 Meth-hallatt Hamra bMayya... (M.3r; LM 301; B 251):

Wine is mixed with water and water with wine: in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

30.5 Pilsa-paten is incensed:

Our Lord and our God, make this paten fragrant, like the paten of Aaron, the holy priest, in the tabernacle: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Spirit of Holiness. Amen.

30.6 Bukhra-bread, prepared with special prayers (B 247-251), is placed on paten:

This paten is signed with the sacred Body of our Lord Jesus Christ: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Spirit of Holiness. Amen.

30.7 Shoshapa-Veil is incensed (M.3r; LM 300; QS 15):

Our Lord and God, make this Veil fragrant like the Veil of Elias the true Prophet: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Spirit of Holiness. Amen.

30.8 Meqablana-pallium (TQT 91; QS 15):

Our Lord and God, make this pall(ium) fragrant: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Spirit of Holiness. Amen.

30.9 Kethana: Our Lord and God, make this corporal fragrant: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Spirit of Holi- ness. Amen.

(They go to Bema/ Pathora: K 57).

31. KAROZUTHA-3: b-Bha‘utha... K 4; K-RE 53. Deacon-2 says:

01-Through petition and supplication we ask for the angel of peace and mercy. R. *We ask from you, O Lord* (= *ask*).

02-By day and night, all through our life, we ask for the Church

for a lasting peace and a life without sin; *ask*

03-we ask for concord of charity which is the bond of perfection

in the fulness of the Holy Spirit; *ask*

04-We ask for remission of sins, and for whatsoever is profitable to our life and pleasing to your divinity; *ask*

05-We ask for the constant mercy and kindness of the Lord at all times; *ask*

06-Let us commend our-selves (souls) and each one of us,

to the Father and to the Son and to the Spirit of Holiness.

07-R. We commend our souls to you, O Lord, our God.

Note: At the end of Karozutha, the sanctuary veil is drawn apart. Priest goes to the Bema or the middle of Sanctuary (Mad-baha: altar), and with extended hands prays in a loud voice.

32. SLOTHA: Prayer after Karozwatha: Lakh Marya ‘Alaha...

(QS 16; K 57f; K-RE 57f; V 222; TQ 16; RE 30f/25)

P. Lord, God Almighty, we implore and beseech you; perfect in us your grace, and pour forth your gifts through our hands; may your mercy and the kindness of your divinity become for (cause) the remission of the debts of your people, and forgiveness of the sins of all the sheep of your flock (fold), which you have chosen for yourself by your grace and mercy. (Add n.35.2). Lord of all, Father, Son and Spirit of Holiness, for ever.

R. Amen.

Note: To be short, in Simple Qurbana on weekdays, omit n.33-35 and add n.35.2. Before Burktha in Raza (n.33) or Siamida on Sundays (n.35) D.:

32.2 Barek-mar; Arkan Reshaykon laSiamida uqanbel Burktha (K 58).

Adn: Bless, my Lord. Bow down your heads for the imposition of hands and receive the blessing. (n.33 or n.35 follows).


(J.103r; M.4r; QS 16; K 58-60; TQ 17).


33.1 SLOTHA D-BURKTHA: Marya ‘Alaha angen Yammina... (TR 17f; TQ 17):

Our Lord and our God, stretch out your right hand of mercy on the Catholic and Apostolic Church which is spread from one end of the earth to the other. Preserve it from all harms, visible and invisible. Make us all worthy by your compassion to minister before you in purity and devotion, diligence and holiness (RE 31)

33.2 L‘alam wal‘alm ‘almin (2). Yamin Rahamaik Maran Isho’ angen

w‘ashra ‘al ‘Amak u’Ana d-Mari’thak: (K 60; B.270; RE 34/28).

D-1: For ever and for ever, and for all ages! (twice). (B.269).

Make the right hand of your mercy, Jesus, Our Lord, to overshadow and abide on your people and the sheep of your pasture.

33.3 Marya Rahamayk l‘alam. Wa‘bhad ‘idayk la tarpen b‘idai Bisha.

D-2: Your mercy, O Lord, endures for ever! Do not cast us, the work of your hands, into the hands of the wicked! (Evil one)!

Ushauzebhain min Nesyone: (K 60; RE 34/28).

But save us from temptations.

33.4 Marya asar Shuwdayak ak d‘eshtaudit lathre’sartak: (K 60).

D-1: O Lord, make good [also for us] the promises you made to the Twelve [Apostles]. (B.270; RE 34/27).

33.5 Ha ‘enna `amkon `ithai ‘adama l-Shulam d-Yaumatha: (K 60; B.270).

Priest: Behold! I am with you unto the end of days! (4 times).

(Priest kisses 4 sides of Bema for 4 corners of the world).

33.6 Hawi ‘aman ak d’am Shlihaik byad ‘Udrana dmin Taibuthak: (K 60).

R. Be with us as with your [Twelve] Apostles by the help of your grace (4 times).

Note: Priest kisses the 4 sides of bema-veil and blesses the people on his right (K 59; TQT 21): on west, south, east & north. The (4) prostrations and 12 kissings (4x3, centre & 2 sides) of the celebrant represent our Lord’s washing and kissing the feet of 12 Apostles (K-RE 63). This ceremoy is interpreted variously (J Vellian, Raza, p.90f). Other ministers too come & stand by the bema and sing together (33.7). All bow & kiss the bema-veil, to say farewell to bema.

33.7 Uhabh lan Zabhne damalen Shaina: dnaude unesgod wanshanbah laShmak ranba uqandisha: bkol ‘endanin. (K 60; B.270).

And grant us peaceful days, that we may confess, adore, glorify your great and holy Name at all times (3 times?).

33.8A.Alaha Mare-kol nehawe ‘am kollan... (K 61; B.271; K-RE 62f).

P. May God, the Lord of all, be with us all, and in us all,

by his grace and mercy, for ever. Amen. (TR 21; TQT 29).

33.8B. May God, the Lord of all, bestow his abundant mercy upon us

and stay with us, for ever. Amen. (TQ 22; RE 35/28).

33.8C. May our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all

in his grace and mercy, for ever, Amen. (B.270).

Note: All stand up and kiss the edge of paina of the Priest; he gives cross and gospel to the Deacons and blesses them (n.33.9); Deacons place them on altar in the sanctuary (K 59).

33.9 Alaha mare-kol n-qanbel Teshmestkon... (K 60).

P. May God, the Lord of all, receive your ministry,

and adorn you with all gifts of his goodness. R. Amen.

Note: These prayers (n.33.1-9) came after Dismissal (n.34) in old Raza (K.59); Creed (n.40) was said (K 61) before Onitha d-Raze-2 (n.37).

34. N’EZAL: DISMISSAL of the unworthy (catechumens): (K 59).

(Deacons standing at the door of Qanke-sanctuary alternate:)

34.1 Whoever has not received Baptism, may go out!

34.2 Whoever has not received the Sign of life, may go out!

34.3 Whoever does not receive It (Eucharist), may go out!

34.4 Listeners, you go and watch the doors (of the church)!

34.5 Let us pray; peace be with us (K 59). (cf n.35.5).

35. SIAMIDA: Imposition of Hands: On Sundays and Feastdays:

(J 103r; K.58; V 223; TQ 16f; TR 17; TQT 19f; K-RE 61f; RE 31/26):

35.1 Marya ‘Alaha Hayalthana... (M.4r; QS 16; TQQ 5; TK 12):

Lord, God Almighty, yours is the holy catholic Church: the sheep of your flock, which was redeemed by the great suffering of your Christ; and by the grace of the Holy Spirit, who is consubstantial with your glorious divinity, the grades (orders) of the imposition of the hands of the true priesthood are given (conferred). In your mercy, O my Lord, you have made us, who are little and of weak nature, worthy to be the recognised members in the great body of the Holy Church, and to minister spiritual helps to the (souls of the) faithful. Yourself therefore, perfect in us your grace, O Lord, and pour forth your gifts through our hands; may your mercy and the kindness of your divinity be upon us and upon this people whom you have chosen for yourself.

(Priest stands erect and says (n.35.2) in loud voice):

35.2 Uhabh lan Mar baHananak... (K 58f; TR 18; TQ17f).

And grant us, O my Lord, in your kindness, that we may, all of us together and in concord, all the days of our life, please your divinity by good works of justice, which appease and reconcile the glorious will of your Mercy (Majesty); and that we may be made worthy by the help of your grace to offer you praise and honour, thanksgiving and worship, at all times: Lord of all,

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for ever.

R. Amen.

Note: In Simple Qurbana on weekdays, this prayer (n.35.2) may be added to n.32.1, and omit n.33-35.

35.5 Dismissal of the unworthy (n.34) was here (QS 17; TR 18):

Now let those who are baptized and sealed with the sign of life, remain (stay) to participate in the holy mysteries, with devout attention (RE 32/26).


36. ONIThA D-RAZE-1: Solemn Approach of Priest to Sanctuary. Priest intones the ‘Onitha and makes 3 mattonya towards the altar:

36A.1 Kahanayk nelbshun Zandikutha uZandiqaik Shubhha: (K 59).

Your priests shall put on justice, and your just ones glory;

Kahanama-d‘a’el qdam Mad-bah Qud-sha

*The priest, on coming before the altar of holiness,

‘Idav dakhya‘ith pashett laShmaya wam-zamen l-Ruha

extends his hands in purity to heaven and invokes the Spirit;

Unahta min Rauma wam-qadsha Pagare waDme daMishiha.

and She descends from above and sanctifies the Body and Blood of Christ* (= *Priest*). (P. prostrates-1st mattonya).

(In Menesian Mass this prayer comes after consecration: LM 318).

36.2 Ne’ol l-Mashkane unesgod l-Kubhsha d-Reglav: Kahana ma...

We will enter his tent and adore his footstool; (K 59).

*The priest... and Blood of Christ (2nd mattonya).

36.3 Shubhha l‘Abha ulaBhra wal-Ruha d-Qudsha: Kahana ma-d‘a’el...

Glory be...; *The priest... and Blood of Christ (3rd mattonya).

36.4 Min ‘alam... From age to age... *Priest* (omit 4th mattonya)

Note: Rozian Taksa (1774) says: “Standing the Priest intones the hymn: “Your priests shall vest themselves”, and he prostrates three times to the sanctuary...” (J.Vellian, Raza, p.90).

Ruha is feminine (K.59; TR 66 & 86); so “She” is used in n.36.1 (n. & Greek text of creed says: “He was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary”. So Ruha was used as masculine for Holy Spirit in Greek and Latin, in Syriac too.

Menesian Mass put it after consecration and changed the wording: Priest... to heaven and consecrates the Body and Blood of Christ (M.6v).

Deacons welcome Priest at the door of Qanke, ask forblessing, and give him water to wash his hands (before Creed: K 61).

36.5 ‘Alaha Mare-kol n-shig... (K.61; TQ 18; TQT 29; QS 19; V.226).

May God the Lord of all, wash away the sordes of our debts band sins by the hyssop of his kindness and may he cleanse the stains of our corruptions in the immense ocean of his mercy. Amen. (K-RE 65). (Priest washes his hands).

36.6 Marya n-kapar Shuhta... (TQ 19; V.226; QS 19; K 61; K-RE 66).

May the Lord wipe away the stains of our sins by his grace and mercy. Amen. (Priest dries his hands).

36.7 Kad r-sisin... (=39.7; TQ 20f in Raza) is said before Creed;

Profession of faith (n.40) is made here (K 61) in Simple Qurbana.

37. ONITHA D’RAZE-2: Anthem of Mysteries/ Sanctuary: of the Day:

(M.3; QS 17; K 61; K-RE 66; V.224; TQ 18; TR 19 = NR 4; SM 3)

37A. Subhara-1st Sunday: (NR 4; SM 3; TQ 18; RE 35/29):

37A.1: M-sambaru sabareth b-Marya (2): (Ps.40:1; 22:25; 143:15):

Firmly have I trusted in the Lord:

Pagare daMishiha waDme yaqira ‘al Mad-bah Qud-sha:

The Body of Christ and his precious Blood are on the holy altar

B-Dehaltha wabhRehamtha kollan nethqarebh le:

Let us all approach him with reverence and love;

U’am Mala‘ke n-yanbebh le qandish qandish qandish Marya ‘Alaha.

and sing his praises with the angels; holy, holy, holy, Lord God.

37A.2: Ne‘khlun Meskene unesb’un: Ps.22:25. Pagare daMishiha...

The poor shall eat and be satisfied (Ps.22:25):

The Body of Christ... holy, Lord God.

(The following stanzas are omitted in Simple Qurbana):

37A.3: Tubhau l’ama d-hakana ‘ith le (Ps.143:15): Pagare daMishiha...

Blessed is the people who has such things: The Body of Christ...

37A.4: Dsurta: Verse from the Bible (Eph 1:7):

Haw dbhe ‘ith lan Purqana uShubhqana daHattahe: Pagare daMishiha

In whom we have redemption and remission of sins: The Body of...

D. Let us pray; peace be with us.

38. MASQA D’RAZE: Mysteries are taken to and set on the altar.

38.1 Deacon: Let us pray; peace be us.

38.2 Priest: We will offer praise (glory) to your glorious Name (Trinity), at all time, for ever.

Deacon: Amen.

38.3A. May Christ who was sacrificed for our salvation, and commanded us to celebrate the memory of his passion and death, burial and resurrection, accept this sacrifice from our hands by his grace and mercy, for ever. Amen.

Note: Priest takes paten in his left hand and chalice in his right, and the hands are crossed and raised during this prayer, and so they are brought down and placed on the altar: paten on his right and chalice on his left side: during the next prayer (n.38.4).

38.3B. Raze qandishe... (TQT 23) in Sauma-Fast:

The holy Mysteries that were perfected for our salvation, be the cause of remission of debts of people who receive them by the grace and mercy of Christ, for ever. Amen.

38.4 Mettsimin (3)...: Priest saying it thrice strikes the base of the chalice with paten (V 225):

These glorious and holy, life-giving and divine mysteries are set and arranged on the holy altar of Christ, until his glorious second coming from heaven; and to him be praise and thanksgiving, worship and honour, now and always, + and for ever and ever. Deacon: Amen.

Note: Chaldean prayer begins with “By your command...” and adds “of our Lord” (TR 20; TQT 23f), while Nazrani’s prayer omits both these additions, and it goes well in 3rd person. Priest places on the altar-stone the Mysteries, by making a cross with them over it, and coversthem with Shoshapa.

38.5 Priest covering the Mysteries with Shoshapa says (M.3v):

You are covered with light as with a vestament, and you extended the heaven as courtyard; now and always, and for ever and ever. Amen.

39. ONITHA D’RAZE-3: Shubh-ha l‘Abha... ‘al Mad-bah Qud-sha...

39.1 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Spirit of Holiness.

Upon the sacred altar let there be the memory (honour)

of Virgin Mary (Mart Maryam), Mother of Christ.

39.2 From age to age, for ever and for ever, Amen and Amen.

Apostles of the Son, and friends of the Only-begotten,

pray that there be tranquility in all creatures (peace in the world).

39.3 Let the whole people say: Amen and Amen.

Upon the sacred altar let there be* the memory of St Thomas,

(*your memory, our Father: TQQ 7; TR 20; TK 12; TQT 24)

in company with the just who have gained victory (triumphed)

and the martyrs who have been crowned.

39.4 The mighty God is with us; our King is with us; (angels are)

our angel (God) is with us; our helper is the God of Jacob.

39.5 The little in company with the great:

Behold! All the dead have fallen in the hope of you,

that you would raise them up in glory

through your glorious resurrection.

39.6 Pour forth your hearts before him:

By fasting, prayer and contrition of heart we shall appease

Christ and his Father and his Spirit.

Note: Chaldean Taksa that omits the name of Marthoma in n.39.3, omits also n.39.4 & 6, and 1st line of n.39.5 (TQQ 7; TR 20; TK 12; TQT 24). Our angel (M.3v); angels (QS 18); our God (TQ 20) is with us (n.39.4).

39.7 Kad r-zizin... (n.36.7) before Creed (TQ 20f; TQT 26):

Having our hearts washed clean from evil thoughts, may we be made worthy to enter the holy of holies, and to stand before your altar in purity and devotion, diligence and holiness, and to offer you spiritual and rational sacrifices in true faith.

40. M-HAYMANINAN... We believe...

Note: CREED comes after the Dismissal (K 61); between Gospel and Entrance (n.42) in Menesian Mass (M.4v; LM 307); after Gospel in Rozian Qurbana(QS 14; V.218). Liturgy is the celebration of faith; Creed is necessary in all Qurbana. “Creed may be omitted... (Dir.n.16)

40.1 We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, [Creator of heaven and earth and] Maker of all things visible and invisible.

40.2 And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, and the first-born (bukhra) of all creatures; He was not made (created) but born of His Father before all ages, (as) light from light, true God from true God, of one nature (consonsubstantial) with His Father: by His hands the worlds were formed and all things were created. For the sake of us (humans) and for our salvation He came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit, and became man, and was conceived and born of the Virgin Mary, and suffered and was crucified in the days of Pontius Pilate, died and was buried but on the third day He rose alive as it is written, and ascended into heaven and sat (sits) at the right hand of His Father, and He is to come again to judge the dead and the quick (living).

40.3 And (we believe) in one Spirit, the Giver of life (life-giving Spirit), the Spirit of Holiness and (the Spirit) of Truth, Who proceeds from the Father.

40.4 And in one Church, holy and apostolic, called Catholic (universal).

40.5 We acknowledge (confess /profess) one baptism for the remission of sins, and (expect) the resurrection of (human) bodies, and the life everlasting. Amen.

(TK 16: Priest washes hands, asks prayer).

41. KAROZUTHA: Commemoration of the deceased & Intercession:

41.1 Priest blesses Deacons (V.226; TQT 31; TQ 22; B.271):

41.1A. May God, the Lord of all, strengthen you to sing his praises.

Deacon: Let us pray; peace be with us.

41.2 Salaw al Dukhrana dAbhahain... (QS 55; V 264; TQ 22; K-RE 69f).

Let us pray for the memory of all our Fathers Patriarchs, [Catholicoi, Metropolitans] and Bishops, of all prieriests and deacons, of unmarried youths (young men) and virgins, of all our parents and brothers [and sisters], of all our sons and daughters, of all the faithful kings (rulers), that love Christ, and of all those who have departed from this world in true faith, of all prophets and apostles, and of all martyrs and confessors of this place and of all other places: that God may crown them at the resurrection from the dead, and grant us with them good hope and share (portion) and life and inheritance in the kingdom of heaven (QS 55; V.264; K-RE 71; B.271f; TQT 30f; change in TQ 22).

41.3 Barek-mar. Unethqanbel Qurbana hana... And may this Qurbana (oblation) be graciously accepted and sanctified by the word of God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and may it be unto us, by the grace of Christ, for help and salvation and life everlasting in the kingdom of heaven (B.272; TQT 31; QS 55; TQ 22 V.264; K-RE 71).

41.4. When Deacon says: Barek-mar (41.3), Priest says (in reply):

P. Halap kolhon d-hayin wadmithin... (TQQ 10; TQT 35; TQ 22):

For all the living and the dead is this Qurbana offered. May it be accepted from my sinfulness before the awful Bema (seat/ tribunal) of your (Majesty) Greatness, our Lord, with (open face) benigncy (B.273; TQT 35).

41.5. When Deacon finishes Karozutha, Priest blesses him:

P. Mishiha nashar Mellaik... (TQQ 10; TQT 36; B.273; TK-E 23):

May Christ confirm your words and accept the fruits of your lips, and remit the debts and sins of all those who listen to you.


42. SLOTHA D-MATTONYA: Prayer of Prostration (M 4v; LM 308; QS 19)


05. MARMIThA: of the Day: Sundays, Feasts, Dukhrane, Weekdays:

05.A M.38 = Ps 96 96 98: Subhara Denha Qyamta Slibha Mushe & ‘Ede.

05.B M.56 = Ps 144 145 146: Sauma ranba Shlihe Qaytta ‘Elya & ‘Ede.

05.C M.57 = Ps 147 148 149 150: Qudash‘Edta; Dec.8 Imm. Conception.

05.D M.07 = Ps 19 20 21: Yohannan Estapan Giwargis Shemeon barSab’e.

05.E M.09 = Ps 25 26 27: Mar Thoma-Slibha Mar Aprem Kuriakos Joseph.05.F M.12 = Ps 33 34: Evangelists Gk-Syr.Malpan Confessors 70 Disciples

05.G M.23 = Ps 62 63 64: Martyrs: Ignatius Irenaeus Justin Polycarp.

05.H M.33 = Ps 85 86: Thursday of Ninivite Fast- Thanksgiving.

05.IM.34 = Ps 87 88: Dukran‘Anide-the Dead:LastFriday of Denha.

05.J On Sundays: Ps 46 47 48 (SM 95 97f) of Easter-for Ps.96-98?)

05.K On Weekdays: Ps 15 150 116 (J.101v; M.1v; QS 8f; TR.7f; TQT4f)

05.L Ferial days: Ps 24:3-6 & 116. (cf Nazrani 6/4:11).

Note: Marmitha on Feastdays and Sundays ends with Aqaptha & Unaya.

The Verse & Response are from Psalms, added before Shubhha (Glory be).

Mazmora has its Qanona, ends with Shubhha; Qanona is said after the 1st verse, which is repeated after qanona, and after Shubhha.

06. AQAPThA & UNAYA of the Day: for Feasts & Sundays & Dukrane:

06.A Ps 35:18 (NR 12; SM 10): after M.38; on feasts of our Lord.

06.B Ps 98:9 (MC 299): after M.38; on Sundays of Subhara Denaha etc

06.C Ps146:11(NR 84; SM 51): after M.56 on Pentecost, 12 Apostles 06.D Ps 46:4-5 (NR 17; SM 14): after M.57 on Sundays of Qudash‘Edta.

06.E Ps 1:3 (NR 215; SM 135): Shem‘on barShab‘e & Fathers-martyrs.

06.F Ps 5:11-12 (NR 44; SM 26): for Evangelists: Barnabas Timothy 06.G Ps 18:43 (NR 198; SM 225): Mar Thoma Sliha, Miracle-Cross.

06.H Ps 28:6-7 (NR 60 ; SM 39): Thursday of Ninevites.

06.I Ps 34:8 (NR 176; SM 112): Body & Blood of Xt: Corpus Christi

06.J Ps 34:22 (NR NR 40; SM 23): Peter & Paul Greek Malpans 70 disciple 06.K Ps 37:32 (NR 32 68 70; SM 19 44): John BaptistPatron-Sahda.

06.L Ps 44:22 (NR 211; SM 132): Shmoni & her 7 Sons.

06.M Ps 52:8 (NR; SM 78): Hosa‘na: Palm Sunday.

06.N Ps 58:11-12 (NR 48; SM 29): Mar ‘Estapanos: Lawrence.

06.O Ps 88:18 (NR 78; SM 48): Dukrana d‘anide: of the Dead.

06.P Ps 92:12 (NR 68; SM 44): Patron-Confessor, Aprem, St Joseph.

06.Q Ps 98:2-3 (NR 283; SM 232): Galyana: Transfiguration.

06.R Ps 105:3-4 (NR 61; SM 41): Syriac Malpans: Mar Aprem.

06.S Ps 144:10 (SM 187): Sabas, Jerome, Ambrose, Francis de Sales.

06.T Ps 144: 18-19 (NR 171; SM 109): Friday of Gold.

06.1 ‘Aqaptha: I will give thanks in the great assembly (RE 12/8).

06.2 ‘Unaya: I will praise you among many peoples (Ps.35:18; RE 12/8).

(See Text in Appendix-2, p.99-125-127).


05. MARMIThA: of the Day: Sundays, Feasts, Dukhrane, Weekdays:

05.A M.38 = Ps 96 96 98: Subhara Denha Qyamta Slibha Mushe & ‘Ede.

05.B M.56 = Ps 144 145 146: Sauma ranba Shlihe Qaytta ‘Elya & ‘Ede.

05.C M.57 = Ps 147 148 149 150: Qudash‘Edta; Dec.8 Imm. Conception.

05.D M.07 = Ps 19 20 21: Yohannan Estapan Giwargis Shemeon barSab’e.

05.E M.09 = Ps 25 26 27: Mar Thoma-Slibha Mar Aprem Kuriakos Joseph.05.F M.12 = Ps 33 34: Evangelists Gk-Syr.Malpan Confessors 70 Disciples

05.G M.23 = Ps 62 63 64: Martyrs: Ignatius Irenaeus Justin Polycarp.

05.H M.33 = Ps 85 86: Thursday of Ninivite Fast- Thanksgiving.

05.IM.34 = Ps 87 88: Dukran‘Anide-the Dead:LastFriday of Denha.

05.J On Sundays: Ps 46 47 48 (SM 95 97f) of Easter-for Ps.96-98?)

05.K On Weekdays: Ps 15 150 116 (J.101v; M.1v; QS 8f; TR.7f; TQT4f)

05.L Ferial days: Ps 24:3-6 & 116. (cf Nazrani 6/4:11).

Note: Marmitha on Feastdays and Sundays ends with Aqaptha & Unaya.

The Verse & Response are from Psalms, added before Shubhha (Glory be).

Mazmora has its Qanona, ends with Shubhha; Qanona is said after the 1st verse, which is repeated after qanona, and after Shubhha.

06. AQAPThA & UNAYA of the Day: for Feasts & Sundays & Dukrane:

06.A Ps 35:18 (NR 12; SM 10): after M.38; on feasts of our Lord.

06.B Ps 98:9 (MC 299): after M.38; on Sundays of Subhara Denaha etc

06.C Ps146:11(NR 84; SM 51): after M.56 on Pentecost, 12 Apostles 06.D Ps 46:4-5 (NR 17; SM 14): after M.57 on Sundays of Qudash‘Edta.

06.E Ps 1:3 (NR 215; SM 135): Shem‘on barShab‘e & Fathers-martyrs.

06.F Ps 5:11-12 (NR 44; SM 26): for Evangelists: Barnabas Timothy 06.G Ps 18:43 (NR 198; SM 225): Mar Thoma Sliha, Miracle-Cross.

06.H Ps 28:6-7 (NR 60 ; SM 39): Thursday of Ninevites.

06.I Ps 34:8 (NR 176; SM 112): Body & Blood of Xt: Corpus Christi

06.J Ps 34:22 (NR NR 40; SM 23): Peter & Paul Greek Malpans 70 disciple 06.K Ps 37:32 (NR 32 68 70; SM 19 44): John BaptistPatron-Sahda.

06.L Ps 44:22 (NR 211; SM 132): Shmoni & her 7 Sons.

06.M Ps 52:8 (NR; SM 78): Hosa‘na: Palm Sunday.

06.N Ps 58:11-12 (NR 48; SM 29): Mar ‘Estapanos: Lawrence.

06.O Ps 88:18 (NR 78; SM 48): Dukrana d‘anide: of the Dead.

06.P Ps 92:12 (NR 68; SM 44): Patron-Confessor, Aprem, St Joseph.

06.Q Ps 98:2-3 (NR 283; SM 232): Galyana: Transfiguration.

06.R Ps 105:3-4 (NR 61; SM 41): Syriac Malpans: Mar Aprem.

06.S Ps 144:10 (SM 187): Sabas, Jerome, Ambrose, Francis de Sales.

06.T Ps 144: 18-19 (NR 171; SM 109): Friday of Gold.

06.1 ‘Aqaptha: I will give thanks in the great assembly (RE 12/8).

06.2 ‘Unaya: I will praise you among many peoples (Ps.35:18; RE 12/8).

(See Text in Appendix-2, p.99-125-127).


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